Today’s Commentary: Orange County Republican Party Joins Growing GOP Opposition To Special Election Ballot Props
Trust me when I tell you that the Orange County Republican Party’s governing Central Committee is anything but monolithic. While certainly dominated by conservatives, the Committee of around seventy members most of whom are independently elected from Assembly Districts all around the county, is a dynamic group that includes GOPers of all stripes. I say this because last night, in a packed meeting with over two hundred people in attendance, the Orange County Republican Party Central Committee formally opposed all six ballot measures that will come before voters in the upcoming special election in May, Propositions 1A through 1F – and the vote was unanimous – when OC GOP Chairman, former Assembly Republican Leader Scott Baugh, called for the two voice votes (there was a motion to oppose 1A and 1B, and a separate motion to oppose 1C, 1D, 1E, and 1F), the large crowd voted to oppose them all, with not one “nay” to be heard when opposing votes were called for.
Orange County Assemblywoman Diane Harkey flew down from Sacramento to give a rousing speech in support of the motion to oppose Propositions 1A and 1B,… Read More