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Jon Fleischman

Jeff Denham’s Formidable LG Campaign

Over the years, I have had my share of hands-on campaign experience. Besides my term as Executive Director of the California Republican Party, I was intimately involved in key positions in campaigns for a statewide candidate and a ballot measure (one won, one lost), as well as numerous campaigns for Congress and the State Legislature. This is relevant because I want make it clear that when I write about political strategy and tactics, it is not from the perspective of a conservative columnist, but rather from the perspective of having over two decades of hands-on involvement in the “contact game” of politics.

Yesterday State Senator Jeff Denham (pictured to the right) announced that in the pursuit of the Republican nomination for Lieutenant Governor that he has successfully reserved (or “locked up” as we say in the biz) 14 of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor’s Credibility Is Strained These Days

In this morning’s Sacramento Bee, there is an article with the headline, Cap Will Prevent Future Deficits, Governor Vows.

My response, just from looking at the headline, was to roll my eyes.

In one of my shortest commentary’s of the year, let’s lay out, in simple terms, three reasons why Arnold Schwarzenegger’s credibility is lacking.

1) The Governor ran for office, twice, pledging to oppose new taxes. He has now signed into law the largest tax increase in the history of any state, and is advocating the passage of Proposition 1A, which contains $20 billion more in taxes on Californians.

2) In 2004, the Governor campaigned for Propositions 57 & 58,… Read More

Meredith Turney

McClintock: Honk If You’re Paying My Mortgage

Congressman Tom McClintock took to the House floor yesterday to talk about his constituents’ outrage over the government mortgage bailout fiasco. Sacramento-area talk show hosts Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty got over 6,000 listeners to send in postcards protesting the bailout. Watch McClintock’s fantastic speech, which unlike the unrighteous indignation on parade on Capitol Hill right now, represents true taxpayer outrage:

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Barry Jantz

SD Union-Tribune Sold

From the U-T, about the U-T. May James Copley continue to RIP, knowing that his once great publication — including staff members that advised presidents — is no longer in the hands of an idle son of a wife, and that there may be a glimmer of hope for the newspaper’s future. More

Jon Fleischman

Governor’s Credibility Is Strained These Days

In this morning’s Sacramento Bee, there is an article with the headline, Cap Will Prevent Future Deficits, Governor Vows.

My response, just from looking at the headline, was to roll my eyes.

In one of my shortest commentary’s of the year, let’s lay out, in simple terms, three reasons why Arnold Schwarzenegger’s credibility is lacking.

1) The Governor ran for office, twice, pledging to oppose new taxes. He has now signed into law the largest tax increase in the history of any state, and is advocating the passage of Proposition 1A, which contains $20 billion more in taxes on Californians.

2) In 2004, the Governor campaigned for Propositions 57 & 58,… Read More

Mike Spence

News Flash: Van Tran Rejected at Obama OC Town Hall

On Monday Assemblyman Van Tran was invited to attend President Obama’s Town Hall at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Assemblyman Tran is a Republican, but the event was in his district. Normal protocol would dictate that the elected officials from any party be invited. Tran was. And the White House staff spoke to Tran’s staff a few times about the event.

Just heard that after flying down to attendTran was denied entry because his name wasn’t on the list. Incompetence or just another example of Obama’s bipartisanship?… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Any time, any where, any place…….

Lincoln Club Secretary and former Wilson Administration official Jeff Reid has prepared a devastating and irrefutable opposition piece to the May ballot initiatives. We are offering to debate the proponents of these initiatives any time, any place and any where.We expect no takers because the proponents have an indefensible position.

A power point presentation and coherent arguments against the fraud being perpetrated by this Governor will be up on our website very soon, as

Its time to kick some you know what on this.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Issa to Obama-stration on AIG: What did you know and when?

Kudos to Congressman Darrell Issa for asking the obvious questions. Amidst all the pontification coming from the pres and senior staff on the AIG bonuses, what was known in advance? Might the outrage have been pro-active and thus pre-emptive, or is it simply now reactive, with a wet finger in the air (while also on the pulse of an irate public)?

From Issa:

Issa to White House: When did you learn of AIG Bonuses? WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) today, in a letter to President Barack Obama, requested that the Administration provide information about when senior administration and White House officials first became aware of imminent bonus payments to AIG executives.

“Given your recent expressions of outrage about bonuses being paid to AIG executives, I am concerned that members of your Administration may not be bringing critical information to your attention in a timely manner,” said the letter from Issa. “There is good reason to believe that White House officials have long known about impending bonus payments to AIGRead More

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