What is in the food at Spataro?
Spataro Restaurant in Sacramento was the site of the now-infamous Schwarzenegger-Maldonado open primary love fest where Maldonado made it clear to the Governor (much to his delight) that his vote for higher taxes was conditioned, among other things, on placing an “open primary” measure on the ballot – such a measure is intended to reduce the influence of the political party system on the process of electing officeholders.
According to the Capitol Morning Report, last night Governor Schwarzenegger was the “guest of honor” at a State Capitol fundraising event for former Senate Republican Leader and now infamous no new taxes “pledgebreaker” Dave Cogdill. The location? Spataro!
It seems to me that conservatives either need to rush to this capitol area eatery right away before a pro-tax stigma develops – or else avoid it at all costs.
By the way, the Governor has only one other appearance scheduled at an event for a Republican legislator – in early April – for yet another of those GOPers that voted for the largest tax increase in the history… Read More