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Jon Fleischman

What is in the food at Spataro?

Spataro Restaurant in Sacramento was the site of the now-infamous Schwarzenegger-Maldonado open primary love fest where Maldonado made it clear to the Governor (much to his delight) that his vote for higher taxes was conditioned, among other things, on placing an “open primary” measure on the ballot – such a measure is intended to reduce the influence of the political party system on the process of electing officeholders.

According to the Capitol Morning Report, last night Governor Schwarzenegger was the “guest of honor” at a State Capitol fundraising event for former Senate Republican Leader and now infamous no new taxes “pledgebreaker” Dave Cogdill. The location? Spataro!

It seems to me that conservatives either need to rush to this capitol area eatery right away before a pro-tax stigma develops – or else avoid it at all costs.

By the way, the Governor has only one other appearance scheduled at an event for a Republican legislator – in early April – for yet another of those GOPers that voted for the largest tax increase in the history… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fuller Goes No On 1A, Berryhill (Tom) Is Silent; Coupal, Foy, Costa Take To The Fore

More updates — Assemblywoman Jean Fuller opposes Proposition 1A. Assemblyman Tom Berryhill has no public position on the ballot measure.

Also, in a tele-press conference that wrapped up not too long ago, the No on 1A campaign announced their Co-Chairmen: Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, Ventura County Supervisor Peter Foy, Chairman of Americans for Prosperity-CA, and Ted Costa of the People's Advocate.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Laren Kaye: Taking Issue with Economist Ben Zycher’s Analysis of Proposition 1A

The following commentary was submitted for publication by the proponents of Proposition 1A. It’s author, Loren Kaye, is the President of the California Foundation for Commerce and Education, which is a research and policy foundation associated with the California Chamber of Commerce. Kaye’s piece references an interview that FR conduced with economist Benjamin Zycher, which can be found here.

Taking Issue with Economist Ben Zycher’s Analysis of Proposition 1A By Loren Kaye

FlashReport recently published an interview with Ben Zycher of the Pacific Research… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Laren Kaye: Taking Issue with Economist Ben Zycher’s Analysis of Proposition 1A

The following commentary was submitted for publication by the proponents of Proposition 1A. It’s author, Loren Kaye, is the President of the California Foundation for Commerce and Education, which is a research and policy foundation associated with the California Chamber of Commerce. Kaye’s piece references an interview that FR conduced with economist Benjamin Zycher, which can be found here.

Taking Issue with Economist Ben Zycher’s Analysis of Proposition 1A By Loren Kaye FlashReport recently published an… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CTA Offers Up “Pocket Lint” For 1A

It’s rather infamous that February’s “big budget/big taxes/open primary” deal which spawned a series of a half-dozen ballot measures, Proposition 1A – 1F, was crafted in order to co-opt the state’s most aggressive public employee union – the California Teachers Association – and get them on board with the deal. Some of the signs of this accommodations include the questionable language surrounding Proposition 1A cap (there is no doubt that the language could have been much tighter and stronger), the presence of $16 billion in additional taxes that are triggered with the passage of 1A, and then there is Proposition 1B – a measure that, if it and 1A were to pass, would restore billions and billions in cuts that education took in the budget deal.

It would appear, at least preliminarily, that to the extent that all of this accommodation was designed to keep the CTA from nuking the budget deal and supporting the ballot measures, that the first part was definitely achieved (too many Democrat “union tools” of the CTA in the legislature voted for the budget deal, which would only happen with their sign… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Calls on California Republican Party to Oppose Proposition 1A

The following is just in from the Poizner for Governor Campaign…

California Insurance Commissioner and Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner today sent the following letter today to California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring calling on the CRP to formally oppose Proposition 1A on the May 19 ballot. A copy of the letter follows:

March 24, 2009 Mr. Ron Nehring Chairman, California Republican Party 1903 W. Magnolia Blvd.Read More

Bill Leonard

Are 200,000 State Workers Eligible for Unemployment?

Two hundred thousand plus state employees may be eligible for Unemployment Insurance benefits. This is an issue that has Employment Development Department (EDD) lawyers in a tizzy. Clearly, the Governor-ordered furloughs are a reduction in pay, but the employees are being sent home on furlough days so their rate of pay stays the same. The loss is a loss of hours to work, which is one way of defining unemployment. In fact, EDD already has a program in place for workers who are furloughed or laid off from work on a temporary basis with a promise of future work with the same employer. Under this program the worker getting the benefits is not even required to look for another job. Do state employees on furlough qualify? No one seems to know. Another big question is whether salaried employees have the same eligibility as hourly employees. Most state employees are on salaries but with strict work hour requirements. As they say, developing…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Majorities of Senate and Assembly GOP Caucuses Oppose Proposition 1A

Over the past few days, along with other FR friends, I have been reaching out to GOP legislators up and down California, assessing where they stand on what has become the very controversial Proposition 1A. As many FR readers know, most Republican legislators voted to place 1A on the ballot when it was a straightforward clean, somewhat modest improvement to our state’s current chaotic spending ways. That said, when six Republican legislators (Senators Ashburn, Cogdill and Maldonado, Assemblymen Adams, Niello and Villines) voted with all of the Democrats to pass the largest tax increase in the state’s history (which the Governor signed), they also passed even more taxes ($16 billion worth) that are triggered if Proposition 1A passes.

Where do GOP legislators stand on 1A now, knowing the tax implications for all Californians (as of 4 p.m. on March 23)? Two-thirds of State Senate Republicans are publicly opposed to Proposition 1A: Sam Aanestad, John Benoit, Jeff Denham, Bob Dutton, Tom Harman, Dennis Hollingsworth, George Runner, Tony Strickland, Mimi Walters, and MarkRead More

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