My Weekly Rant: Bonuses, Bailouts and Business
The hue and cry over bonuses paid to AIG executives is both predictable and understandable. This is what happens when a private business allows the government to get into its knickers. But also blame the federal government for this situation. AIG should have been forced into bankruptcy, not been the recipient of $185 billion in taxpayer bailouts.
Certainly AIG itself bears most of the blame for its current plight for taking on risky bets on mortgage-backed securities. They bet and lost, and should have gone bankrupt because of their failed business decisions. But it was geniuses in the federal government, including Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, who are responsible for the anger that taxpayers feel over AIG. They decided that AIG was too big to fail, so they showered them with billions of our tax dollars.
Later when the firestorm of public protest erupted, Frank and Dodd tried to run for cover. When the bailout legislation was being crafted, Senator Dodd, acting on behalf of the Obama White House, specifically inserted language allowing AIG to pay the millions in bonuses that are now the subject of public… Read More