Sunday California… Harassment and Privacy Concerns Test the Political Reform Act
It’sone of our basic tenets. The candidate or cause of your choice. Your hard-earned money. Your decision. No one to tell you differently.
Yes, the freedom to express oneself by means of personal political contributions is an undeniable right. Unless, that is, one prefers to be private about it.
Somewhere near the vortex of such issues as First Amendment rights, the public’s need to know, and an individual’s privacy is a document called the California Political Reform Act. Now, throw into the mix the question of harassment and personal safety concerns.
Since the mid-1970s, the Political Reform Act has stood as California’s campaign finance and disclosure requirement bible. It is viewed with deadline-imposed disdain by many required to report all their campaign finance activity and extolled by those wanting to access the same details, whether or not any average members of the public (read: non-political hacks) ever once take a gander at the information.
Accommodating changing times and both public and legal sentiments, the Act has been revised and massaged over the years to… Read More