Posted by Barry Jantz at 12:00 am on Apr 03, 2009 7 Comments
The 2010 San Diego County Sheriff’s race was just beginning to
heat up. Or, not really.
The best thing to get a race going even more quickly and earlier
than anticipated? How about amid-term retirement by the
incumbent, and the hopefuls all facing an appointment process, with
the winner being handed the title of “Appointed
Or, perhaps, the best thing to put a damper on a potential
If you thought last year’s San Diego City Attorney contest was a
watcher, 2010 was going to be the big boy’s version, but with
guns. Metaphorically, of course.
Yet, only the most naïve of political hacks in town – or the
most idealistically hopeful for a major countywide contest of this
caliber (there’s that metaphor again)– didn’t see this one
coming a few years ago. Sheriff Bill Kolender would cakewalk
to election in 2006, then announce his retirement about half-way
through his four-year-term, and faced with no provision in the
County Charter for aspecial election to fill the vacancy, the
County Board of Supervisors would have no choice but to appoint the
That “was” the scenario,… Read More