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Jill Buck

Assemblyman Chuck DeVore on Go Green Radio!

Should Environmentalists Embrace Nuclear Energy? Normally, I’m a real stickler for hosting Go Green Radio live on Fridays from 9-10 am PST, but this week, I’ll be celebrating Good Friday with my family at that time, so we pre-recorded the show this morning. My guest, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore from Irvine, California has become one of the nation’s leading advocates for lifting the moratorium on building new nuclear power plants. He’s been featured on numerous TV and radio shows, and has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, the San Francisco Chronicle and many more publications. As America moves to limit our carbon emissions to the greatest extent possible, can we do so without nuclear energy? Or is nuclear our only viable, domestic energy option for a clean, green future? … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Adams Recall Update: Will His Gala Event With The Governor Tonight Also Be The Kickoff For A Recall Campaign?

Perched in the hills of Glendora, behind appointed gates, sits the spacious home of Michael and Sandy Valentine-Matthews. Tonight, the Valentine-Matthews family is hosting an “elegant evening” with Assemblyman Anthony Adams. For a mere $3900, you can be a “platinum sponsor” of this event, which will feature none other than the Terminator himself, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Governor Schwarzenegger is taking time out from his aggressive schedule of promoting his May Special Election Ballot Propositions to say “thank you” to those daring Republican legislators who threw their voluntary “no new taxes” pledges out the proverbial window and acceded to the Governor’s request to balance the state’s out-of-control spending with income and sales tax increases (and more) – hitting the average family with between $1,000 and $1,500 in new taxes for the next couple of years, and even longer of the public passes Proposition 1A. Last month Schwarzenegger headlines a Sacramento fundraiser for tax-increasing, pledge breaking State Senator Dave… Read More

Jim Battin

The New GM (Government Motors) Under Obama

I really wish the Wall Street Journal would have run this story, GM, Segway to Make Vehicle, seven days ago – on April Fools Day. It is so ridiculous it actually doesn’t seem real. Actually, it would’ve made a good post over on The Onion website.

But it is real – and it’s a sign of things to come. Welcome to our new future, when government mandates what will be made and then tries to force on "the masses" (that would be us) what we’ll buy because they know better than we do.

How far the mighty GM has fallen. Once the proud maker of the Pontiac, Buick, Cadillac, GMC Trucks, Chevrolet and even the Hummer, GM now apparently has been humbled to make the PUMA (Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility).

I’m sure people will just love tooling around the cities in it and it will be a big hit…… especially on those rainy or snowy… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Claremont Institute Grades May 19 Ballot Propositions – Most Flunk

The venerable Claremont Institute has been a leader nationally and here in California in sound public policy. Specifically their Golden State Center for State and Local Government has long been looked to as a leading source for outstanding policy review and advocacy.

Tom Karako of CI’s Golden State Center contacted the FlashReport yesterday to let us know that today they would be releasing their analysis of the six ballot measures that will appear on the upcoming May 19th Special Election — giving each a letter grade!

Without even asking them what grades they assigned to any of the measures, I told them that we would be pleased to feature this important information for our readers.

As you will see from Tom’s introduction to their report below, the Claremont Institute’s review of these ballot measures has led them to the conclusion that most are extremely poor public policy — and a couple are mediocre at best. I encourage all of our readers to download the .pdf of their report which is available through the link provided below….

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Shawn Steel

Feds Prosecutorial Abuse …Leave Perata Alone

The balance of control in theUnited States Senate was changed by illegal actions of the U.S. Justice Department against Sen. Ted Stevens.

Who can forget US Attorney Johnny Sutton’s shameful punitive prosecution against border guards Ramos and Campion? The case against Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman [D] has to be questioned. After all he was not convicted for taking bribes or accepting illegal campaign contributions, but was jailedfor appointing a… Read More

Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Feds Prosecutorial Abuse …Leave Perata Alone

The balance of control in theUnited States Senate was changed by illegal actions of the U.S. Justice Department against Sen. Ted Stevens.

Who can forget US Attorney Johnny Sutton’s shameful punitive prosecution against border guards Ramos and Campion? The case against Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman [D] has to be questioned. After all he was not convicted for taking bribes or accepting illegal campaign contributions, but was jailedfor appointing a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock Pledges $5,000 to Recall of Anthony Adams

** Due to technical difficulties, the blog page hasn’t been working right the last 24 hours. That problem is now fixed.**

I am listening to the John and Ken Show on KFI radio. Congressman Tom McClintock has just pledged $5,000 in "matching funds" against donations made by show listeners to the Committee to Recall Anthony Adams.

Right now listeners are responding to former CRP Chairman Mike Schroeder’s SECOND $5,000 matching grant. Last Thursday Schroeder made that offer and it was matched by listeners THAT DAY.

It looks like the Recall Adams Committee is on course to raise well over $50k in donations from John and Ken listeners alone — in advance of their target date of this Wednesday. Recall supporters have said that they plan on attempting to serve Adams with a notice of recall at his gourmet fundraising reception with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday night in Glendora.

When you consider that just a few weeks ago, well over 10,000 people showed up for John and Ken’s Voter Revolt 2009 rally in Fullerton, you can only imagine how many signatures they will gather on recall petitions when they host… Read More

Jill Buck

Six votes

If you listen to some reports, you’d think the CRP County Chairs voted down Props 1A-F in a landslide this weekend. That isinaccurate. In fact, just six votes were all that separated the decision – that’s a pretty close vote. It is a clear indication that there are quite a few conservative Republican leaders who believe the initiatives will put the state’s finances on a responsible path. This vote was taken via secret ballot so that county chairs could vote their conscience, rather than being pressured by others to take a position that they otherwise would not. I’m hoping the California Republican Party will follow suit at the upcoming executive committee meeting on April 18th. Republicans, this is our fight! For decades, we have carried the torch for fiscal reform in this state to stop the ever-increasing spending that Democrats insist upon in the good years. I realize that Prop 1A does extend the tax increases already put into place by the budget deal the Governor and Legislators reached in February. And, I am unequivocal in my personal opposition to tax increases. That is … Read More

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