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Mike Spence

Did Governor’s “Green” Energy Plan Hurt the Environment?

Happy Earth Day everybody. It is also Lenin’s Birthday and Planned Parenthood Day at the Capitol, but I digress.

Everyone knows of the Governor’s commitment to stopping “greenhouse gases”. He receives a lot of praise and attention for his efforts.

Did he hurt the environment in the meantime? The California Air Resources Board (CARB) thinks he did. And I just don’t mean the carbon dioxide expelled discussing this issue.

The CARB is considering a Low Carbon Fuel Standard that would measurethe direct release of carbon into the atmosphere from the production, transportation and use of motor fuels AND land-use changes resulting from ethanol production.

Ethanol producers are upset, because it looks like corn to ethanol is bad for the environment, when you include all the production, land and transportation costs.

In 2006 the Governor issued an executive order onthe use of biofuels. He has spent money getting grants for Ethanol producers. He has campaigned vigorously for its use, to find out that they may be hurting the environment.

Maybe, just maybe government doesn’t know… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: After Half-Hour Talk From Villines, State GOP ExComm Rejects His Rationale, Opposes All Ballot Props

Last Saturday, the members of the Executive Committee of the California Republican Party met at the Sacramento Convention Center and voted overwhelmingly to oppose all of the ballot propositions, 1A-1F, that are on the May Special Election ballot. These measures appear as a result of a budget deal that saw California taxpayers smacked with higher income and sales taxes, as well as higher car taxes and, for those with children, a significant reduction in the child tax credit that taxpaying parents now enjoy. The ballot package rejected by the State GOP includes extending those taxes even longer. In total, if advocates get their way, every family in California will be paying nearly $4,000 on average in higher taxes. And for what? Simply put, the package of measures on the ballot does not solve the structural problems of our state, according to the Legislative Analyst, there will be at least an $8 billion shortfall, even if they fail (and he presumes an increase in revenues from increasing tax rates).

First and foremost, I have read some… Read More

Jon Fleischman

After Half-Hour Talk From Villines, State GOP ExComm Rejects His Rationale, Opposes All Ballot Props

Last Saturday, the members of the Executive Committee of the California Republican Party met at the Sacramento Convention Center and voted overwhelmingly to oppose all of the ballot propositions, 1A-1F, that are on the May Special Election ballot. These measures appear as a result of a budget deal that saw California taxpayers smacked with higher income and sales taxes, as well as higher car taxes and, for those with children, a significant reduction in the child tax credit that taxpaying parents now enjoy. The ballot package rejected by the State GOP includes extending those taxes even longer. In total, if advocates get their way, every family in California will be paying nearly $4,000 on average in higher taxes. And for what? Simply put, the package of measures on the ballot does not solve the structural problems of our state, according to the Legislative Analyst, there will be at least an $8 billion shortfall, even if they fail (and he presumes an increase in revenues from increasing tax rates).

First and foremost, I… Read More

Tab Berg

MacGlashan launches citizen’s committee to study budget options.

While the Legislature dithers on real cuts and Congress blows through cash like it was carbon credits, local leaders are taking action to reduce budgets without putting a tax-boot on the throats of struggling businesses and taxpayers.

Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan, after ceremoniously crumpling and hurling yet another incomplete staff budget memo into the trash, assembled a citizen’s panel to review and make recommendations on budget cuts, efficiency and vital programs.

And unlike the photo-op commissions created by the state, this group – Kitchen Conversations Citizen Budget Committee – will meet for only a few weeks, make specific recommendations, then go back to living regular lives.

Unlike California’s Citizen Performance Review, which came up with a pretty good series of recommendations to save California taxpayers money but then was mostly shelved – a waste of time, money and paper; MacGlashan has a reputation of being tenacious in protecting taxpayers.

While budgets were still flush several years ago, MacGlashan took an unpopular stand to cut a $2.5 million program giving free healthcare to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Yes on 1A-1F Campaign Ad Portrays Dad Who Will Unwittingly Vote To Tax Himself

I just finished watching the first television commercial released by the campaign to pass all of the measures on the May Special Election ballot. You can see the piece below. When you watch the commercial, you will notice that something is missing. The actor on the screen, playing the dad who is going to play catch with his kid, and vote for the ballot propositions, is the poster child for the ignorant voter that the ballot campaign is trying to fool. He tells us that he needs to go out, "to help hold the line on higher taxes," by voting for these measures…

Whoops. Someone forgot to tell the Leave It To Beaver dad in this commercial that his vote for the Propositions doesn’t hold the line on taxes — on the contrary, if he votes for the package, he will be triggering a $16 billion dollar increase in taxes, including higher sales taxes on the next ball and mitt he wants to buy for his son. The parent portrayed in this add will also be voting to take away a $200 tax credit for the child in the spot, money that perhaps he would be using to buy his son a uniform for his little league… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Startling Info From This Morning’s Debate — Prop. 1C Is A “Blank Check” For Borrowing!

This morning, here in San Jose, I participated on a panel discussion looking at the ballot propositions that appear on the April 19 – May 19 Special Election ballot measures (we post a month-long range because I believe that a majority of votes cast will be by absentee ballot voters, many of who already have their ballots and are voting). The event was co-sponsored by two groups that aren’t as conservative as I am (most aren’t, eh?) – the New America Foundation (famous for the “hidden tax” argument used to support the ill-fated Schwarzenegger/Nunez socialized health care plan, and the Joint Venture Silicon Valley Venture (who rotate out a photo of global warming alarmist Al Gore on their home page).

On the panel with me were my usually-but-not-this-time- ally Loren Kaye (a great guy). Loren represented the CalChamber and its policy foundation as an articulate advocate for 1A-1F.

Representing the ideological left was Jean Ross of… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Domestic Terrorist Added to Most Wanted List

After last week’s Obama Administration’s internal report that returning members of the United States military could be poised to form some sort of right wing domestic terrorist core (Freikorps, anyone?), it was interesting to note that the FBI added, instead, a well-known left wing terrorist to the Most Wanted terrorist list: Daniel Andreas San Diego.

Daniel, 31, is an animal rights terrorist. What did Daniel do? Well, he hasn’t been convicted of anything but he is wanted for two bombings. Daniel has one tattoo that reads ‘it only takes a spark’ and illustrations of burning buildings. Daniel was a computer specialist. I’d suggest the Administration review their earlier report and focus on computer specialists instead of returning veterans.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Raises For Legislative Staff

I am trying to think whether California voters will feel more or less inclined to vote themselves an increase in sales, income and car taxes when they hear that over a hundred legislative employees just got raises. Well, I guess if the taxes DO pass, the raise will help the lucky staffers to pay for it. If the taxes fail, well, what's a few hundred thousand more bucks in debt?… Read More

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