Did Governor’s “Green” Energy Plan Hurt the Environment?
Happy Earth Day everybody. It is also Lenin’s Birthday and Planned Parenthood Day at the Capitol, but I digress.
Everyone knows of the Governor’s commitment to stopping “greenhouse gases”. He receives a lot of praise and attention for his efforts.
Did he hurt the environment in the meantime? The California Air Resources Board (CARB) thinks he did. And I just don’t mean the carbon dioxide expelled discussing this issue.
The CARB is considering a Low Carbon Fuel Standard that would measurethe direct release of carbon into the atmosphere from the production, transportation and use of motor fuels AND land-use changes resulting from ethanol production.
Ethanol producers are upset, because it looks like corn to ethanol is bad for the environment, when you include all the production, land and transportation costs.
In 2006 the Governor issued an executive order onthe use of biofuels. He has spent money getting grants for Ethanol producers. He has campaigned vigorously for its use, to find out that they may be hurting the environment.
Maybe, just maybe government doesn’t know… Read More