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Jon Fleischman

Tom Campbell — Illegal Immigration: Does Secretary Napolitano Understand the Law?

Former Congressman and GOP candidate for Governor Tom Campbell sent this over for FR readers…

Illegal Immigration: Does Secretary Napolitano Understand the Law? by Tom Campbell

As a professor of law, as well as a former US Congressman, I was distressed to see the following statement recently made by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. "And yes, when we find illegal workers, yes, appropriate action, some of which is criminal, most of that is civil, because crossing the border is not a crime per se. It is civil. But anyway, going after those as well."

However, TItle 8, section 1325, of the United States Code makes it acrimeto enter our country eluding examination or inspection by… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Wilcox: Riordan, Steel, Foy, Baric Kickoff Latest No on 1A Effort

"More is more," is one of my favorite slogans, and in the case of the battle against the misleading campaign being waged to pass Proposition 1A, a second major effort to get the truth out to the voters about the $16 billion in additional taxes that are triggered by its passage has kicked off. To complement the Herculean efforts already underway under the leadership of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, we now have Californians Against New Taxes – No On 1A. This committee kicked off its efforts with a press event in downtown Los Angeles, and we asked their Communications Director, longtime FR friend Jonathan Wilcox, to pen something on how that event went…

Riordan, Steel, Foy, Baric Kickoff Latest No on 1A Effort

The formation of Californians Against New Taxes is set against the backdrop of a record expansion in state spending and we believe not coincidentally a record expansion of the state’s budget deficit, expected to reach more than $41 billion by this time next year.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Lt. Gov. Mike Villines?

I figure if I want to climb higher than “55” on the CapWeekly's Top 100 list, I need to beat CW's Anthony York to publishing hot rumors. And this little tidbit is just that, a little bit of “water coolor” banter that makes for fun reading.

So John Garamendi, who is in some obscure statewide office — oh yeah, Lt. Governor — is now a declared candidate for Congress in the East Bay/Delta area, where Democrat Ellen Tauscher has vacated her seat upon being appointed into the Obama Administration.

If not the favorite, Garamendi is no doubt a very strong candidate to take that seat, and head off to Congress (ugh) — with all due deference to the two Democrat state legislators who are also running.

So… This leads to the next question — if later this year, the Lt. Governor steps down to head to Capitol Hill, then who would Governor Schwarzenegger appoint to fill out the unexpired balance of Garamendi's term?

First and foremost, with this Governor, I would hardly put any money down on him necessarily appointing a Republican to this post. Actually, no matter who is appointed, that… Read More

Meredith Turney

May 19 Propositions Sinking in Polls

SurveyUSA just released a poll that indicates Propositions 1A-1F are in serious jeopardy. According to the poll, 42% of those surveyed will vote against 1A; 50% of Los Angeles voters are opposed to the measure. Opposition to 1B has increased by 12% in the last six weeks. According to SurveyUSA, “1C is defeated today by almost 2:1.”

Since their last survey, Proposition 1D has seen a 20% percent swing against—although “any outcome is possible.” Opposition is also up against 1E. 1F still seems to be up in the air, with support/opposition/undecided split three ways. Looks like Governor Schwarzenegger and his friends in the legislature have some serious campaigning to do in the next few weeks…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Preview: Exclusive FR Interview with former U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese

Just a few minutes ago, I conducted an interview with a real patriot and longtime public servant, former United States Attorney General Ed Meese. For FR readers that don’t know the impressive background of General Meese, he was a close friend, advisor and appointee of Ronald Reagan, both as Governor of California and as President of the United States.

From his resume at the Heritage Foundation…

Edwin Meese III is a prominent leader, thinker and elder statesman in the conservative movement – and America itself.

He holds the Ronald Reagan Chair in Public Policy at The Heritage Foundation, responsible for keeping the president’s legacy of conservative principles alive in… Read More

Barry Jantz

Uhhh….Never Mind

In the immortal words of Roseanne Roseannadanna…. "Never mind." From Cap Weekly Assembly speaker Karen Bass said today she was cancelling 5 percent pay increases for more than 130 Assembly staffers, because they were becoming "a distraction" from the May 19 ballot initiatives.

In the equally immortal words of Homer Simpson….

"DOH!" 3:42 Update: Credit where credit is due. I have been informed that the U-T’s Read More

Mike Spence

Did Governor’s “Green” Energy Plan Hurt the Environment?

Happy Earth Day everybody. It is also Lenin’s Birthday and Planned Parenthood Day at the Capitol, but I digress.

Everyone knows of the Governor’s commitment to stopping “greenhouse gases”. He receives a lot of praise and attention for his efforts.

Did he hurt the environment in the meantime? The California Air Resources Board (CARB) thinks he did. And I just don’t mean the carbon dioxide expelled discussing this issue.

The CARB is considering a Low Carbon Fuel Standard that would measurethe direct release of carbon into the atmosphere from the production, transportation and use of motor fuels AND land-use changes resulting from ethanol production.

Ethanol producers are upset, because it looks like corn to ethanol is bad for the environment, when you include all the production, land and transportation costs.

In 2006 the Governor issued an executive order onthe use of biofuels. He has spent money getting grants for Ethanol producers. He has campaigned vigorously for its use, to find out that they may be hurting the environment.

Maybe, just maybe government doesn’t know… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: After Half-Hour Talk From Villines, State GOP ExComm Rejects His Rationale, Opposes All Ballot Props

Last Saturday, the members of the Executive Committee of the California Republican Party met at the Sacramento Convention Center and voted overwhelmingly to oppose all of the ballot propositions, 1A-1F, that are on the May Special Election ballot. These measures appear as a result of a budget deal that saw California taxpayers smacked with higher income and sales taxes, as well as higher car taxes and, for those with children, a significant reduction in the child tax credit that taxpaying parents now enjoy. The ballot package rejected by the State GOP includes extending those taxes even longer. In total, if advocates get their way, every family in California will be paying nearly $4,000 on average in higher taxes. And for what? Simply put, the package of measures on the ballot does not solve the structural problems of our state, according to the Legislative Analyst, there will be at least an $8 billion shortfall, even if they fail (and he presumes an increase in revenues from increasing tax rates).

First and foremost, I have read some… Read More

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