We Need A 1A GOP Debate… With Arnold In The Mix!
I just received a release from the Steve Poizner campaign, calling for two debates between himself, Tom Campbell and Meg Whitman — the leading candidates for the GOP nomination for Governor next year. The proposed topic? The ballot Propositions.
While the idea is a good one, given that Propisition 1A is the most controversial item on the ballot (with its trigger of $16 billion in new taxes), and that Poizner and Whitman both oppose 1A, and Campbell supports it, that debate doesn't sound that exciting to me (no offense intended).
So, I have a better idea. Let's invite Arnold Schwarzegger into the fray. A Schwarzenegger/Campbell vs. Poizner/Whitman debate would be very interesting, indeed…
I would be happy to jointly moderate the event with my friend Abel Maldonado!… Read More