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Jon Fleischman

From the GOP Leaders – And SEUI 1000…

Sam Blakeslee, the leader of Assembly Republicans(he formally assumes the job in a couple of weeks, but for our purposes, he’s the top dog…), on the May Revisions: “Whether we are facing a $15 billion or $21 billion problem, the Governor’s May Revise clearly shows that both parties must approach this budget crisis with a clear sense of purpose and urgency. Now is the time for us to lead with the resolve that Californians are demanding and get our state back on the right track. Assembly Republicans have already begun working to find responsible ways to balance the budget while instituting reforms to help our economy recover from this recession as rapidly as possible. “We know these tough choices will cause great hardship for many Californians who are already hurting and have great empathy for those who will be impacted. But embracing the status quo will only produce greater pain and deeper cuts in the long run. A budget that addresses only cuts without fundamentally reforming the way state government operates will leaveRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

SB 572 Harvey Milk Day up for vote this morning on Senate Floor

SB 572, this years version of the "Harvey Milk Day" semi-state holiday bill which Governor Schwarzeneggervetoed last year, is on the file for a possible Senate Floor vote, as soon as this morning. May 22 would be the offical day that "suitable Harvey Milk commemorative exercises" would be urged to be held around the state, including the school system, if the bill were to pass. Although it wouldn’t take effect in 2009, there will likely be a push to get it out of the Senate by May 22, should it not be taken up on today’s floor vote.

Call the State Senators offices that may be inclined to vote for such a bill [hint: Most Republicans won’t need this call] and let em know what you think about SB 572 and yet another "commemorative day"that Sean Penn and Co. would like. Especially since we consolidate heroic Americans into such holidays as "Presidents Day" Light up those Capitol switchboards this morning!… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Three Liners

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with their own money.

~ Alexis de Tocqueville (1805 – 1859)

Three Liners: OK, so ‘one-liner’ is the term we all know and are accustomed to hearing, well I can’t tell you much in one line, but here’s a group of three-liners on various subjects which may give you some information you didn’t know:

House Cafeteria: Prices in the government-run cafeterias in the basement of the House Office Buildings have gone up recently, at the alarming rate of 31% between 2007 and the end of 2008. According to House Chief Administrative Officer Dan Beard, who oversees the House cafeterias; since Democrats took control of the House they have instituted requirements for organically grown food and required all workers to be union members in order to serve or cook in the cafeterias, and these steps have in turn caused the price increase. But, House staffers do not like paying for all this, so your tax dollars are being considered to subsidize this too!

Cuts: The… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Blakeslee Taps Four For Transition Team

Today Assembly Republican Leader-Elect Sam Blakeslee will name four of his colleagues to a transition team — Nathan Fletcher, Jean Fuller, Martin Garrick and Jeff Miller. These folks will help Blakeslee figure out what changes should take place as the leadership passed from Mike Villines, who infamously resigned his post last week (effective June 1) amidst growing criticism of his orchestration of and vote for massive tax increases.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Republican Legislators: Are You Ready To Publicly Support Deep Cuts?

It may seem counter intuitive for me to be asking this question of Legislative Republicans, as opposed to the liberal Democrats that make up the majority of state legislators – but here it is – are you ready to make serious and deep cuts in state government spending?

I ask this question because as we can all see from the very serious funding shortfall that exists with the adopted budget, upwards of over $20 billion, there is a severe problem, and I think that it is fair to anticipate that California voters are going to reject not only new taxes, but also the various schemes on the ballot to throw more revenues at this problem. The message from the public will be clear – reduce state spending to available revenue.

I direct this commentary to Republicans because it is widely anticipated that the Governor will present a May Revision of the existing budget that includes some very tough spending cuts that will have a huge, material impact on the role and function of California government.

Republicans need to be ready to move beyond the talk, and embrace the cuts, and stand with the Governor when he is doing the right thing.

No one is saying… Read More

Jill Buck

The Politics of Torture and Abortion

I’m watching "Hardball" with Chris Matthews, and they are talking about the ACLU’s insistence that photos of alleged torture of terrorists be made available to the public. The reps from the ACLU seem so sure that these photos will shock the conscience of the American public, and damn the Bush administration. But here’s what befuddles me…photos and videos and nurses’ testimonies about what happens to babies in abortion clinics has been out there for years, but that didn’t shock the conscience of the American public enough to overturn Roe v. Wade. The ACLU is counting on the same activists who will fight to the death to defend the horror of what happens in abortion clinics to be the same activists who will fight roughing up terrorists. I’m not sure you can have a bleeding heart for terrorists if you don’t have one for innocent babies. If photos are released of what happens to terrorists, then I would like to juxtapose those photos to ones from abortion procedures, and ask the ACLU to be consistent in their human rights campaigns. Perhaps California activists could write or call their local ACLU offices and ask for that.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Villines on the Briggs Internet Show – Poetic Irony

Last week lame duck Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines appeared on the low-profile internet television program Central Valley Talk hosted by former GOP Assemblyman Mike Briggs.

There seems something poetic about this appearance. By way of a little history lesson for FlashReport leaders, in 2001, Briggs rather infamously broke ranks with Republican legislators to vote with Democrats for a Gray Davis penned budget that increased taxes on Californians, according to then-Senate Republican Leader Jim Brulte. As reported in the Los Angeles Times, Briggs broke rank with his Republican colleagues after securing “millions in goodies” for his district.

Since articles about the departure of Villines as leader have hinted that the GOPer who orchestrated a terrible budget deal at the center of which were massive sales, income and car tax increases may look to running for public office again in the future. In fact, the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Villines on the Briggs Internet Show – Poetic Irony

Last week lame duck Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines appeared on the low-profile internet television program Central Valley Talk hosted by former GOP Assemblyman Mike Briggs.

There seems something poetic about this appearance. By way of a little history lesson for FlashReport leaders, in 2001, Briggs rather infamously broke ranks with Republican legislators to vote with Democrats for a Gray Davis penned budget that increased taxes on Californians, according to then-Senate Republican Leader Jim Brulte. As reported in the Los Angeles Times, Briggs broke rank with his Republican colleagues after securing “millions in goodies” for his district.

Since articles about the departure of Villines as leader have hinted that the GOPer who orchestrated a terrible budget deal at the center of which were massive sales, income and car tax increases may look to running for public office again in the future. In fact, the… Read More

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