Republican Legislators: Are You Ready To Publicly Support Deep Cuts?
It may seem counter intuitive for me to be asking this question of Legislative Republicans, as opposed to the liberal Democrats that make up the majority of state legislators – but here it is – are you ready to make serious and deep cuts in state government spending?
I ask this question because as we can all see from the very serious funding shortfall that exists with the adopted budget, upwards of over $20 billion, there is a severe problem, and I think that it is fair to anticipate that California voters are going to reject not only new taxes, but also the various schemes on the ballot to throw more revenues at this problem. The message from the public will be clear – reduce state spending to available revenue.
I direct this commentary to Republicans because it is widely anticipated that the Governor will present a May Revision of the existing budget that includes some very tough spending cuts that will have a huge, material impact on the role and function of California government.
Republicans need to be ready to move beyond the talk, and embrace the cuts, and stand with the Governor when he is doing the right thing.
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