Let’s Talk Decolonization
The new cool kids are all into it. They banter the term around all the time. It is either “decolonization” or “post colonization.” They like to tell us it is regarding their favored terrorist group – Hamas — even though the last colonists there were the Brits. With everyone talking about it, I thought I would look at how decolonization is going. It worked well for us, the Americans. Pretty well for the Canadians until Pierre Trudeau unleashed his devil child upon them. The Aussies and Kiwis are doing well. Hong Kong was doing great until the barbaric Chinese took it over. Then matters start going downhill from there. Of course, the rest of the world went through various levels of being ruled by other countries. There were the Romans, the Greeks, the Mongols, the Turks, the Macedonians, the Ottomans, and a slew of others who were set on ruling the world, but they were not known as “colonists.” The Russians took over Eastern Europe for a while, but they called all those countries under their draconian oversight ‘satellites.” Colonization seems to focus on the activities of European countries from the 16th century onward.… Read More