The Governor Will Speak Today, And I Have To Force Myself To Care
Today Governor Schwarzenegger will speak to a special joint session of the California State Legislature. His topic of discussion will be the dire straits in which the state finds itself fiscally, and the need for the legislature to promptly place on his desk massive, serious cuts in state spending in order to ensure that the state’s expenditures are in line with its income.
In February, Democrats and the Governor, aided by a handful of short-sighted, pledge-breaking Republicans hit the pockets of California taxpayers hard with over $14 billion in higher taxes. The voters had a chance to weigh in with their opinion of those taxes, and over $16 billion more that were attached to the passage of Proposition 1A by soundly (or perhaps overwhelmingly is a better description) rejecting them. Thus the Governor comes to the legislature looking for an “all cuts” solution because he has interpreted, and rightly so, that California taxpayers expect the state’s crisis to be solved with available revenues.
The real challenge for those listening to the Governor today is to actually try to care about what he is saying. I know that I have received countless… Read More