CA Democrats want to tax “money managers” at 30% rate
In California, the Democrats’ Jihad against the rich is gaining momentum. In 2019 they will try (again) to pass a bill to in essenceban“venture capitalists, hedge funds and private equity firms” from the Golden State. If implemented, the plan will work all too well. Boy, will it ever!
What some Democrats have figured out is that if you don’t want something but can’t directly ban it, tax it out of existence. For instance, if you don’t like guns in private hands, tax the guns, tax the ammo, and require annual fees for even possessing such items. Make those costs high enough, and it will effectively ban most guns in California — except for the rich. Most LEGAL guns, that is.
Intentional or not, that’s apparently what Democrat legislators will try to accomplish in 2019. Their 2018 bill (AB-2731) failed to pass. The bill would have levied a breathtaking ADDITIONAL 17% state individual… Read More