Fontana “Mayor Bighead” Passed Over And Fined By FPPC – Not A Good May For Nuaimi
Last year I wrote some commentaries about a local politician out in San Bernardino County – Mark Nuaimi. Nuaimi, to whom I have referred to as the “Conflict King” is simultaneously the Assistant City Manager of Colton for his day job, and he is also the elected Mayor of the nearby city of Fontana. Nuaimi’s reputation for being a pretty arrogant guy reaches all of the way up to Sacramento, where one well placed politico in the State Capitol, when I reference him, said, “Oh, you mean Mayor Big Head.”
I penned one commentary that referenced a story in his local newspaper about a controversy of Nuaimi name-calling residents of Colton using his city e-mail, and another talking about how Nuaimi sees his role as Mayor as being at the keyboard for a single-player game of “SimFontana” – which is to say that in a country where the citizens, and not the government (at any level) are supposed to be in charge, Nuaimi has his idea for what he… Read More