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Jon Fleischman

Friday Disclaimer

FR readers should be advised that in order to catch a very early flight, the main page links were pulled together between 2-3am. It’s possible that some stories were not updated on newspaper sites that early. That is certainly the case with the San Francisco Chronicle, which you may want to check for yourself.

Sorry for any inconvenience.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senate Republican Conferees Dutton, Walters Call for Real Reductions

As the Budget Conference Committee continues to discuss the state’s $24 billion budget deficit, Senate Republican conferees Bob Dutton and Mimi Walters are calling for less talk and more action. In an effort to bring transparency to the Conference Committee process, Senators Dutton and Walters will be offering regular updates on the committee’s progress until it concludes. “We have been meeting for nearly two weeks and it’s clear to us that the Democrats are not willing to make the reductions necessary to solve this $24 billion fiscal crisis,” said Dutton. “Spending reductions of this magnitude are not easy for anyone, but they are necessary. Time is running out.” Senator Walters added, “Raising taxes is out of the question. California’s government is too large and too expensive. We have to spend less and live within our means.” Senator Dutton and Senator Walters have repeatedly reminded their colleagues on the committee that energizing California’s economy—stimulating private sector job growth—is the long-term answer to the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Blueberry Commission Controversy Continues to Grow

I am very pleased to report that the State Assembly’s passage of legislation to create a California Blueberry Commission, in the midst of a fiscal crisis, is continuing to bloom into a full scale controversy. Juliet Williams with the Associated Press has now published a lengthy piece, which you can read, entitled, Blueberry board more pressing than state budget? I am no expert on the rules of the State Assembly, but one of the Republicans who voted for this turkey, who perhaps can now see in retrospect it was a bad idea, should ask for reconsideration.… Read More

James V. Lacy

Governor sounding like Reagan; deserves praise for budget stance

Governor Schwarzenegger’s statement in the Los Angeles Times today could have come from the mouth of Ronald Reagan. Of those Democrat members of the Legislature who refuse to cut spending that our state can’t afford, he said: "[d]o they want to protect the workers that provide the services, or do they want to protect the people that get those services? The choice is up to them."

Indeed it is. The Governor has put on the chopping block a myriad of proposals to reduce wasteful and unnecessary spending. All the Legislature has to do is connect-the-dots and begin shaping budget Legislation that truly balances the budget. What the Governor gets after the Props. 1 election fiasco, is that government works for the people, and not the other way around. The Democrats in the Legislature still don’t get that yet; as they feel, despite a huge electoral loss, thatgovernment is there for them to exercise power over all God’s things, including blueberries, and at the same time cuddle their state union comrades with unreasonably high wages and benefits, and in some cases needless jobs that don’t help… Read More

James V. Lacy

Pravda decries Obama/USA “descent into Marxism”

Pravda means "truth" in Russian and for years Pravda was the leading newspaper in the Soviet Union, as the "official organ of the Communist Party.’ It still operates today, has been online since 1999, and in late April it reprinted an article by Stanislav Mishin originally writing for Mat Rodina that concludes, in light of the General Motors fiasco, Obama’s economic policies andalso those of "Senator Barney Franks,"that Russian owners of American companies should consider closing their facilities and "fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible." Red, in this context, means Communist, not Republican. There is clearly more than one irony reflected in this Pravda article.… Read More

Meredith Turney

Lawsuit Filed against Caltrans for Racial Quotas Program

Pacific Legal Foundation announced today that it is filing a lawsuit to challenge Caltrans’ new race- and sex-based quotas projects. According to PLF, Caltrans announced in March that it would be implementing the 2009 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, which “sets a quota of having 6.75 percent of contracts go to women or members of targeted, preferred groups – African American, Asian-Pacific American, and Native American (but not Latinos or any other group).” PLF filed the lawsuit on behalf of Associated General Contractors of America, San Diego Chapter.

During a media conference call today announcing the lawsuit, PLF principal attorney Sharon Browne explained that this new program not only violates the United States Constitution’s equal protection, it violates California’s Proposition 209. In fact, Ward Connerly, the former UC Regent who led the campaign to end race-based quotas in California’s government institutions, participated in the media conference call. Connerly stated that it’s wrong to place the construction industry in the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Martin Garrick: Ignoring Reality, Democrats Want More Spending and More Government

This just in from Assemblyman Martin Garrick who last week was named Assistant Assembly Republican Leader:

As California struggles to dig out of the deep budget hole that liberal politicians have created over the years, you would think the last thing they ought to be doing is digging deeper. But proving just how out of touch they are with most Californians, the Democrat majority in the Legislature over the last few months have turned their backs on the economic reality facing our state. Democrats are so resistant to GOP ideas on reform that on Wednesday of last week, as we reached the deadline to pass bills out of the house of origin, the Assembly took up a total of 94 bills – 91 of which were sponsored by Democrats and only 3 by Republicans. As if that were not enough, 10 bills were approved that would create new boards and commissions that will not generate any economic benefit to the state.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Pulaski, Let’s Make A Deal!

Predictably, the public employee union bosses and various left wing groups are calling for the repeal of various tax breaks on businesses that were part of the infamous big taxes/big spending/open primary budget deal that took place last February. In return for their political support for the $14+ billion in income, sales and car taxes in that deal, and support for another $16+ billion in more taxes in funding the Yes on 1A campaign (which thankfully lost), the "business community" got tax breaks through that will save business between $1-2.5 billion. Of course, since business in California is particularly overtaxed in the "Golden" state, who can blame them? Well, okay, I can. The whole thing stunk — where the business community should have allied with taxpayer protection groups and the Republican Party against ANY new taxes, they… Read More

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