Today’s Commentary: Governor “Nails It” In Opposition to CalPERS Proposal to Push Debt To Next Generation
There are many negative effects throughout both the private and public sectors that have resulted from the plummet of stock values on Wall Street. In the public sector, throughout the country, public pension funds were heavily invested in the market — and the results have been a plummeting of the value of these funds. The problem, of course, is that while nationally there has been a massive "evaporation of value" — the liabilities on these funds remain — with public employees expecting their defined benefit pensions to be fully funded and paid on promptly.
Here in California, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (which is the fund for most state and local government employees and pensioners) has seen the value of its holdings fall by literally tens of billions of dollars. According to the Los Angeles Times, it’s holdings were around $240 billion last July — but have now (with the downturn and then a slight upturn in the market) down around 23% — a massive drop. The Times goes on to say that in order to make sure… Read More