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Assemblyman Curt Hagman

Dem Budget Bill Fails.

The session has ended. The vote on the Democratic budget failed to get a 2/3rds vote. The vote was 48-29. Of course today was political theater. The Governor had promised to veto the bills. For those interested, Democrat turned Independent Juan Arambuladid not vote.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Four Reasons For Legislators To Reject EVERY Proposal Put Forward By Democrats Today

Today legislative Democrats will apparently bring forward their budget amendment plans in a series of votes today. Republican legislators should prepare to vote no – no, no, no, no…

Here are a few key reasons why this plan, being put forward by Democrats, should be rejected in its entirety.

No Transparency Or Notice: No one is really sure what is actually being voted on today. In principle, GOPers (and frankly, Democrats, too) should reject any legislative proposals being put up for a vote that have not been in print for 72 hours and all of the legislators have had time to read the actual language, and get input from whatever sources they deem helpful. See the note from Assemblyman Kevin Jeffries below, on this particular topic. Billions In New Taxes: Despite numerous and repeated statements from Senate President Darrell Steinberg and Assembly Speaker Karen Bass that the rejection of 1A would lead to an “all cuts” process of squaring the state’s finances, that is not what we have … Read More

Barry Jantz

State Budget Update: Oh, we get to see it now, thanks.

At a time that common-sense legislators and a philosophy of full accountability are calling for opening up the budget process to the eyes of the public, the powers that be still can’t even find a way to open it up to those being asked to vote.

If you haven’t read Assemblyman Kevin Jeffries’ press release about the lack of openness, it pretty much provides a dose of reality on the subject (see Jon’s commentary this morning, four posts below, for the Jeffries release).

An update from Jeffries’ office this morning:

"Assembly just got the information on the 2009-10 State Budget at 10:25 am; almost an hour and a half after floor session started."

It would be comical, if it weren’t so typically status-quo.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: California Energy Commission receives “Golden Trashcan” Award for Proposal to Ban Big Screen Televisions

It has been some time since we here at the FlashReport have bestowed the infamous “Golden Trashcan” award. As long time readers know, it takes a particularly onerous piece of legislation, or in this case a regulation, to “get the can” – but the dubious honor goes to the California Energy Commission’s (CEC) proposal to ban big screen televisions.

If you are like me, you may have heard a rumor about this, and dismissed it as being nonsensical. That’s what I did after I read a brief item written about this by Orange County Register editorial writer Steven Greenhut back in March. In his posting, Greenhut cited a statistic that under the proposal, as many as 25% of big screen televisions today would no longer… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

California Businesses Continue To Shed Jobs – 68,000 More Jobs Lost In May

California Businesses Continue To Shed Jobs – 68,000 More Jobs Lost In May

“The state lost 68,900 jobs in May as unemployment rose from a revised 11.1% in April and 6.8% in May 2008. This is the highest rate since the national record-keeping system began in 1976. Out of every four jobs lost nationwide since the recession began in December 2007, three have been lost by men.” (Marc Lifsher and Alana Semuels, “California Unemployment Rises To Record 11.5% In May,” Los Angeles Times, 6/20/09)

“Job losses slowed across much of the country last month – but not in California. In May, the state’s payrolls shrank at the fastest rate since February, wiping out 68,700 jobs, including more than 14,000 in the public sector, according to figures released Friday. Employment fell across all major sectors of the economy except health care, pushing the jobless rate to a modern record of 11.5 percent. Economists ticked off a familiar list of causes, from the housing bust and the contraction of the financial sector to a state budget crisis that’s soaking up federal… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Benoit, Assemblyman Nestande Un-Endorse Poizner, Back Whitman

UPDATE: Congresswoman Mary Bono’s strict overlaps with much of the districts of Senator Benoit and Assemblyman Nestande. She has been a leader in the Whitman Campaign for some time now. We asked her for comment on this latest news… "I applaud the decision by Sen. John Benoit and Assemblyman Brian Nestande to endorse Meg Whitman for Governor. Their endorsements show that support for Meg Whitman is coalescing from all segments of our party, and that her ideas to return California to its rightful place as a land of opportunity and prosperity resonate with voters and members of our party across our great state."Read More

Jon Fleischman

HJTA lauches BudgetFight.Com!

Today the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association is launching a new website focused on the state budget crisis. Their site launch comes at a key time as Democrats in the State Capitol seem intent, once again, to penalize California taxpayers for the state’s budget shortfall. Below is information on HJTA’s site launch! BUDGETFIGHT.COM LAUNCHES ON DAY OF BUDGET VOTE New Web site highlights tax increases and accounting shenanigans in latest proposal Sacramento, CA — Today, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA) released a new website to keep California taxpayers and the Media apprised of the higherRead More

Mike Spence

Los Angeles Loves Taxes. Palos Verdes Peninsula Parcel Tax Passes

2 for 2. June’s school tax elections in Los Angeles County continues. Palos Verdes Peninsula’s Parcel tax passed with 68% of the vote. Los AngelesCounty voters love passing bonds and taxes for localschools. Only one of the four scheduled for June may fail. Locals feel they get value eventhough they reject taxes at the state level.… Read More

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