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Matthew J. Cunningham

John Campbell Compares Statism Vs. Entrepreneurism As Solutions To Auto Woes

Rep. John Campbell penned an excellent op-ed last Friday for the Investors Business Daily, in which he discussed the comparative chances entrepreneurism vs. Obama-Pelosi statism for reviving the American auto industry. Campbell, naturally, comes down on the side of liberty and common sense — which unsurpor5isiingly dove-tail with his 25 of experience in that industry:

INCYMI: Entrepreneurs Will Reinvent GM’s Castoffs

By Rep. John Campbell

Before I lost my mind and entered politics, I was in the car dealership business for 25 years. In fact, I was the first Saturn retailer chosen back in 1988, and served on the Franchise Operations Team. I opened one of the first 25 stores in 1990 and eventually owned and operated five Saturn Facilities in Orange County, Calif.

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Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

A Raid That’s a Road To Nowhere

As you read this, the State Legislature is gearing up to attempt its first raid on local government. The urgency of this warning can’t be overstated; If they achieve this smash-and-grab by taking (not even borrowing) the Highway Users Tax Account gasoline tax, cities and counties will see their ability to maintain their streets and roads crippled.

San Bernardino County currently relies on these gas tax dollars for potholes, rehabilitation and resurfacing of 2,700 miles of paved roads in the unincorporated areas alone. If the County were to lose just the HUTA dollars alone (about $32 million), an estimated 200 essential public works personnel would lose their jobs immediately.

Among budget proposals that will likely be voted on are billions in additional raids of transportation dollars, including deferring the first two quarterly payments of the local (city and county) share of Proposition 42 state sales tax on gas, equal to approximately $300 million, which would further hinder local road safety projects, maintenance and repairs.

These raids would disproportionately impact transportation funding, especially when the industry is facing 20%+ unemployment.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Why do we name public works after politicians?

I am quite fond of former State Senator Chuck Poochigian. He’s a great guy — and a good conservative. Frankly, though, he should have turned down the offer when it was proposed to name a stretch of California highway in his name (read it here).

Frankly, it is troubling enough when we name public works for politicians who have passed on, let alone those that are with us. Frankly, every taxpayers whose money was used to fund that highway have just as much legitimate right to have their name it.

This kind of thing glorifies the role of the politician who successful spends other people’s money.

By no means is Poochigian the only living politician with something named "in their honor" — there are thousands of examples of this kind of glorification of elected officials (such… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Steinberg, Republicans Weren’t Born Yesterday

On the Sacramento Bee’s Capitol Alert website, they have an entry Sparks Begin To Fly Over Dems’ Budget Plan where it is made clear that Republicans will not support any additional tax increases. But Senate President Darrell Steinberg suggests that Republicans will support the non-taxes portion of their package.

"Why isn’t it better to solve $21 billion instead of zero?" says Steinberg in the piece. Even if you ignore, for the sake of discussion, that some of the "non-tax" solutions in that $21 billion figure involve shameful gimmickry like paying state employees perpetually on July 1 instead of June 30, thus perenniallyRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Juan Arambula: No moderate!

The news that Juan Arambula switched his Party designation from Democrat to DTS is not a big deal. Juan is now and always has been one of the most left leaning Assemblyman in the State. He is a sensible, rationale person, however, and not an angrynut job like most of his former caucus members. Even he sees that taxes in this economy are off the table. That isn’t a moderate position –its an obvious position. Juan may be wrong about a lot of issues – but he is at least thoughtful, and a gentlemen, and able to see the obvious.

His party switch is not about moderation, but distancing himself from colleagues that honestly, need to be locked away in a mental institution for the strategies they are embracing in our budget crisis.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: To Pass a “Water Solution” Advocates Must Learn The Lesson Of Proposition 1A’s Failure

Apparently while on the stump in Fresno late last week=, talking about the state’s fiscal crisis, a frustrated Fresnan lambasted the Governor for the lack of water — and calling for dams and canals to be built.

This unnamed man in the Sacramento Bee story linked above is justified in venting his frustration about the problems of water delivery in the Central Valley — that having been said, his aim is a bit off. If I am a Californian who is frustrated about the water-availability challenges facing the Golden-But-Thirsty state, I would look at these three primary causes, all of which place the blame for our current man-made crisis at the feet of Sacramento Democrats:

1) Federal laws prioritize critters and plant-life over people. The federal government primarily has passed too many laws that deprioritize the needs of people — and rather places a higher priority in the protection of critters and plants. We all understand the need for some balance to ensure that resources are available for this and future generations, but many of these… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Antonio A No Go

Democrat Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has announced that he is not running for Governor.

Clearly a loss for any out-of-LA female television reporters — since the Mayor, thus far, has only showed a penchant for scoring them in his home market.

Conventional wisdom is that Villaraigosa's exit is a boost for the campaign of Attorney General (and former Governor) Jerry Brown.… Read More

Dan Schnur

Antonio takes a pass?

The Politico is reporting that Antonio Villaraigosa will announce on CNN this afternoon whether or not he’s going to run for governor next year. Since politicians announcing that they are running for office tend to do news conferences and rallies with balloons and banners (oh, and supporters), the cable television option suggests that Antonio sees the poll numbers on the wall and is going to sit this one out.

That’s good news for Jerry Brown, as Villaraigosa’s base of labor and Latinos is more likely to head toward Brown than Gavin Newsom. But it opens the door even further for another Democratic candidate (Loretta Sanchez is probably already on the phone to her pollster.

And if Brown is the nominee, here’s hoping that Whitman/Poizner/Campbell realizes that running against Governor Moonbeam, Rose Bird, and the 1970’s is a dated playbook that could use some refreshing. Hint: anyone been to Oakland recently?… Read More

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