Why I endorsed Meg Whitman for Governor
Anyone reading the Flashreport knows that these are not average times for California. This great state of my birth is collapsing around us, and we need exceptional leadership during these exceptional times. I believe Meg Whitman best fits that bill for 3 reasons:
1) We don’t just need a governor, we need a game changer. Meg has the potential to truly change the political landscape in California. She brings a strong background from eBay, and her capabilities, determination, and character, are exactly what we need. Technical changes, tinkering around the edges or working within the system will not get it done. The next governor must command the stature to lead us to a new place and I believe Meg Whitman can do that.
2) She is not afraid to take an unpopular position in which she believes and then stand firmly by it. Clearly, governance by polling has not worked for this state. We have seen Meg Whitman take a principled stand on Prop. 8, in the face of opposition from her core constituencies in the Bay Area internet community. She will lead… Read More