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Congressman John Campbell

Why I endorsed Meg Whitman for Governor

Anyone reading the Flashreport knows that these are not average times for California. This great state of my birth is collapsing around us, and we need exceptional leadership during these exceptional times. I believe Meg Whitman best fits that bill for 3 reasons:

1) We don’t just need a governor, we need a game changer. Meg has the potential to truly change the political landscape in California. She brings a strong background from eBay, and her capabilities, determination, and character, are exactly what we need. Technical changes, tinkering around the edges or working within the system will not get it done. The next governor must command the stature to lead us to a new place and I believe Meg Whitman can do that.

2) She is not afraid to take an unpopular position in which she believes and then stand firmly by it. Clearly, governance by polling has not worked for this state. We have seen Meg Whitman take a principled stand on Prop. 8, in the face of opposition from her core constituencies in the Bay Area internet community. She will lead… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Former Postmus Aide Aleman Makes A Deal With Prosecutors, Pleads “No Contest” To Four Felonies

Former San Bernardino County Assistant Assessor Adam Aleman, a former Executive Director of the San Bernardino County GOP, has apparently entered into a plea agreement in his criminal case. He had been facing a boatload felony charges spurring from an investigation into the office of former Assessor Bill Postmus. According to this story in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Aleman has plead "no contest" to four felony counts, and had five others waived. Aleman has agree to aid prosecutors in their further investigation into Postmus’ office, and to provide testimony in court against some of his former co-workers.

Aleman is formerly a San Bernardino County correspondent for this website, and was an editor of Red County’s San Bernardino County site.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

More Video – Democrat Legislators Go Bonkers In Response to Audra Strickland’s Remarks

A few posts below this one we carried (courtesy of a two minute video of Audra Strickland’s Sunday night floor speech. Well now we bring you a "greatest hits" video showing you the "ire" of the left.

If these Democrats seem highly annoyed or upset, perhaps it is because the truth hurts. The reality is that the absolute fealty and tribute that Democrat legislators have given at the alter of the employee unions has led to a grossly expensive state government. Among the many victims of a fat and expensive state bureaucracy are those in need of government services. Thanks to the policies passed at the behest of these unions, everything costs more — including the delivery of services to those vulnerable members of our society.

During "times of plenty" — I guess there was plenty of money to go around. But now, when we are facing a massive shortfall of funding, the proverbial chickens are coming home to roost.

Anyways, now that you have endorsed a "Flash Rant" — enjoy another video courtesy of FlashReport/KillMedia… (If you watch all of the way to the end, you can see a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor Vetoes Majority-Vote Taxes

Keeping true to his word, Governor Schwarzenegger just vetoed the majority-vote tax bill package sent to him by legislative Democrats. Clearly the Governator stands ready to terminate any bills that fall short of a comprensivr $24 billion fix. We commend and encourage the Governor to hold the line…… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

UPDATE – Raid On Local Road Funds Marches On

Note: Thanks to a phone call from Senator Bob Dutton, I stand corrected on my initial posting of this item which claimed the entire San Bernardino County legislative delegation supported raiding local gas tax (road maintenance and repair) dollars.Actually, it was the entire ASSEMBLY delegation from San Bernardino County that voted that way.Only one Senator, Gloria Negrete-McLeod (D-San Bernardino), voted for it. My apologies to Senators Dutton, Runner, Ashburn and Huff.

As of Friday, the state’s attempt to raid the local gasoline tax money cities and counties use for street and road maintenance and repairswas continuing.That’s $288 million in Prop. 42 "deferments", withan outrighttaking of $1.7 billion in HUTA local-share gas tax still on the table.

Let’s review what this would mean if it gains final approval:We would give up our local streets and roads maintenance so they can pay off some state bond debt, prop-up the state’s cash flow and credit ratings, and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

UPDATED: Governor Schwarzenegger and Assembly GOP Leader Blakeslee Responses to Demo’s Passing Majority-Vote Taxes

UPDATED: Governor Schwarzenegger just put out this statement… "I will veto any majority vote tax increase bill that punishes taxpayers for Sacramento’s failure to live within its means," the governor said in a prepared statement. "The Legislature will have a difficult time explaining to Californians why they are running floor drills the day before our budget deadline. We do not have time for any more floor drills or partial solutions. It’s time for the Legislature to send me a budget that solves our entire deficit without raising taxes." ORIGINAL POST:

Last night watching the CalChannel on my laptop was like watching an episode of the Twilight Zone where in some horrible, alternative California, it deosn’t take a 2/3 vote of the legislature to enact tax increases. By a majority… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Audra Strickland “Nails It” — Drives Democrats on Assembly Floor Bonkers

For those who weren’t watching the CalChannel for last night’s Assembly Session (where the Democrats pushed through billions in illegal majority-vote taxes), which we hope is most of you, you certainly will not want to have missed the best floor speech of the night — a two minute oration from Assemblywoman Audra Strickland. Her remarks incensed the Democrats causing many of them to take to their microphones in protest… Audra’s speech really highlighted how these Democrats have made a priority of growing state government itself, doing no favors for those at-risk people who would benefit from a less costly way of delivering services. Good job, Audra! (h/t to Eric with for the footage) Read More

Jon Fleischman

HJTA Launches New Radio Ad “They’re Back…”

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association has launched a statewide radio buy blasting Democrats for wanting to raise taxes. Echoing the theme of Assemblywoman Audra Strickland, Jon Coupal, HJTA’s President blasts Democrats for wanting to raise taxes to finance highly paid union workers — "They say more money is required to help the needy, but what they really want is more money for government employees."

You can listen to the ad right here.… Read More

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