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Assemblyman Curt Hagman

State Government Should Have to Accept IOU’s

The big question looming out there for vendors and people who receive money from the state, and for the record way too many people do, is who will accept IOU’s?

Banks haven’t made up there minds. They may be waiting to see what the interest rate will be. Golden State Credit Union will take the warrants; they after all cater to government employees.

I have co-authored AB 1506 that would allow the recipients of IOUs from the state to use the warrants as payment for state services.

Today, I attended a press conference organized by Assembly Bill 1506 Author Assemblyman Joel Anderson.

If IOU’s are going to be issued by the state, the state should take them as payments. The DMV should take them, California State universities should take them, the Board of Equalization should take them etc…

If California wants banks to take them, shouldn’t California government do the same?

Think of the all the interest California will save and besides they are safe bet, right?… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Democrats give business one more reason to leave the state

You would think that the last thing the California Legislature would want to do is add yet one more burdensome layer of taxes on small businesses – especially at a time when we ought to pass measures to stimulate the economy. But that’s not the mindset of the Democrat leaders in the Legislature.

Instead, the cornerstone of their current Budget Proposal is a 3 percent withholding tax on Independent Contractors.

This illogical proposal would slow economic recovery and growth in California, and has the potential to put more people out of work. As it is, the state is already approaching a 12% unemployment rate.

Furthermore, this measure could actually force small business owners to shut their doors, or at the very least stretch other small businesses to the limit, as they will be compelled to provide an up-front loan to the state even if they have no tax liability.

When are the Democrats going to learn that small business is the fuel that drives California’s economy?

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BOE Member George Runner

SEIU “Budget Bullies” Storm Capitol Building

Check out this video of SEIU "Budget Bullies" Storming the Capitol Building today.… Read More

James V. Lacy

Another dubious distinction

Well, I guess I played a role in an Orange County politician resigning from office today. Another dubious distinction for my resume.

Readers know I have been reporting here about the apparent jihadthat is ongoing by the Secretary of State, Debra Bowen, and the Los Angeles District Attorney, to nail people involved in politics who are registered to vote at one address, but apparently live most of the time at another. Mark Jacoby, a petition gatherer, was charged with a felony along these lines late last year and pled to a misdemeanor a couple weeks ago. I was surprised by the plea, I thought he might have gotten off if he fought the charges. But after his plea, the same authorities nailed liberal Latino activist Nativo Lopez with the same type of wrap, but with FOUR felony counts. He won’t enter a plea until next week, and is out on $55,000 bail. Ouch!

So on the 28th, when I read Teri Sforza’s story appearing in the Orange County Register on the 26th, (I was a little behind on my reading) about Metropolitan Water District of Southern California board member Ergun Bakall, who repsents… Read More

Mike Spence

Los Angeles Loves Taxes: Well, most of the time.

June’s local school tax elections went 3 for 4. Yesterday La Canada Unifiedapproved a parcel tax with over 70% of the Vote. They join Palos Verdes Peninsula and South Pasadena Unifiedin passing parcel taxes. Yours truly went 4 for 4 when Rowland Unified’s attempt to pass a parcel tax got a little over 51% of the vote. Parcel taxes need a two-thirds vote to pass.

It seems that these votes were referendums on their local school districts. Most local taxes are viewed through that lens. Each of these communities had rejected 1A on May 19th. That was a referendum on the state.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner’s Anti-Terror Funding Policy — Aggressive and Impressive

I have to admit that I was pretty impressed when I got off of the phone with Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner last Sunday night. When my phone rang, and Poizner was on the other end, I expected to have a chat about his campaign for the GOP Gubernatorial nomination. But actually, he was calling me, in his capacity as Insurance Commissioner, to let me know about a bold new policy that he would be announcing on Monday, launching a funding probe from the Department of Insurance targeting investments made by insurance companies in Iran.

"Jon, using my authority as Insurance Commissioner, I will be announcing tomorrow a terror funding probe targeting direct and indirect investments by insurers in Iran."

As I am sure that many FRRead More

Jon Fleischman


That "mega" number (my eyes glaze over) is now the size of the projected shortfall in the state’s 2009-10 fiscal year budget.

It’s time for the Democrats in the State Legislature to step up and deliver a plan to deal with this shortfall. Every minute, hour and day that goes by without a comprehensive solution, the more difficult it will be to resolve this shortfall.

Hopeful the resolve of Republicans to not allow a piecemeal approach to solving this shortfall is very, very clear to Capitol Democrats. Republicans are committed and united to protecting taxpaying Californians from being hit with higher taxes to resolve this problem. Republicans understand that a piece-meal approach to trying to resolve this shortfall, passing cuts a few billion at a time will eventually lead to a time, mid-fiscal year, when Democrats can simply stop agreeing to cuts at all — leaving our state more vulnerable to a play to raise taxes. Especially since the ability to implement cuts becomes more dubious once you are well into the fiscal year. Funny how that works — cuts take considerable time to implement, while tax increases seem to go into… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Poizner’s Anti-Terror Funding Policy — Aggressive and Impressive

I have to admit that I was pretty impressed when I got off of the phone with Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner last Sunday night. When my phone rang, and Poizner was on the other end, I expected to have a chat about his campaign for the GOP Gubernatorial nomination. But actually, he was calling me, in his capacity as Insurance Commissioner, to let me know about a bold new policy that he would be announcing on Monday, launching a funding probe from the Department of Insurance targeting investments made by insurance companies in Iran.

"Jon, using my authority as Insurance Commissioner, I will be announcing tomorrow a terror funding probe targeting direct and indirect investments by insurers in Iran."

As I am sure that many FRRead More

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