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Jon Fleischman

Whitman Campaign Memo From Gomez and Randle

The Whitman for Governor Campaign just released this Campaign Memo (Poizner’s Campaign released one last week…)

MEG 2010

TO: Campaign Leadership Teams FROM: Henry Gomez and Jeff Randle DATE: July 6, 2009 RE: State of the Race Update The June 30 campaign reporting deadline is the first tangible measuring point of the 2010 campaign. In just five months, Meg Whitman hasRead More

Bill Leonard

BoE Will Consider Accepting IOUs from State Vendors

For those state vendors who have been given warrants rather than checks from the state, the Board of Equalization will vote at our July 21st meeting whether to accept the warrants from these vendors for their tax obligation on sales to the state. I have received a legal opinion that it is permissible for the Board to do so. However, that opinion states that if the warrant is greater than the tax liability, then the Board cannot issue refunds until the warrant has reached its maturity date.

It is important for the BOE to accept these registered warrants as a sign of good faith to the people of California, and those who receive these IOUs from the Controller that they really do have value.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Critical Vote Tuesday: Send Letters of Support for Anderson’s IOU Bill

California is officially insolvent and has begun paying its bills with IOUs. While certain sacred cows are protected from getting IOU’s, taxpayers are first in line to get hosed.

Assemblyman Joel Anderson has authored critical legislation, Assembly Bill 1506, to provide relief to taxpayers and businesses who will be receiving IOUs from the state.

So far, $50 million worth of IOUs are on their way to taxpayers who are owed a refund. Next in line are vendors, private businesses that provide services to the state on a contract basis. Assembly Bill 1506 allows IOUs to be used as payment for any obligations to the state.

For example, if you are a business with state contracts and you receive an IOU for $50,000, you could use that IOU as payment for your payroll taxes, DMV fees or any other obligation to the state. Without AB 1506, many businesses will be forced to close their doors and layoff employees. This bill is about protecting jobs and the economy from onerous, irresponsible government.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Unrest Among Capitol Democrats?

We’ve gotten a lot of "tips" today that there are leadership runs at least being talked about against both Senate President Darrell Steinberg and Assembly Speaker Karen Bass. I don’t follow the internal politics that take place on the left side of the aisle too closely. There are those that do, but will they blog about it somewhere? Who knows.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Governor Will Not Sign Legislation Unrelated to Budget Crisis

Today Governor Schwarzenegger was "channeling" Republican Assemblyman Bill Emmerson who has for quite some time now been beating the drum of stopping all other legislative work and focusing exclusively on the budget shortfall (Emmerson had a column on this topic just last weekend published in the Riverside Press Enterprise). Needless to say, until now, Emmerson’s been on a lonely quest — as his legislative colleagues have not been in a hurry to push thousands of pieces through the process while state government is literally going broke. Well, if Emmerson could have hand-picked one politician in the Capitol to agree with him, it would have been Arnold Schwarzenegger. I’m sure Assemblyman Emmerson was smiling as he watched this clip from the Governor’s press conference just a couple of hours ago. We’re smiling — because we agree with Emmerson and Schwarzenegger — it’s time to stop all non-budget related matters, and focus exclusively on a comprehensive solution to the massive shortfall of over $26… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Meg Whitman Raises An Extremely Impressive $6.5 Million From Over 1300 donors In Five Months…

There are a lot of measures that are used in computing the viability and health of a political campaign. Given the enormous costs associated with campaigning in a state as large as California, one of the most critical metrics is a candidates ability to raise money. Yesterday marked the end of a six-month reporting period — candidates for office, in a few weeks, will have to file official statements noting what they have raised and spent from January 1 through June 30.

Meg Whitman’s campaign for Governor today announced that they have raised a staggering $6.5 million dollars in just five months — a huge financial outpouring of support for her candidacy. This does not include the more than $4 million of her own personal funds that she has given to her campaign, bringing her fundraising total for the period to above $10 million.

It will be some time before official reports will be available for review and analysis — to get more insights into who Whitman’s donors are, and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Demands Apology From Speaker Bass For Calling Californians Who Oppose Tax Increases “Terrorists”

Today Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association appropriately demanded an apology from Assembly Speaker Karen Bass after she called Californians who oppose tax increases, in a word, "terrorists.

Speaker Bass used that word several times during an interview with the Los Angeles Times. She said that Republican members of the legislature, "operate under a terrorist threat" and that they are "terrorized" against voting for [taxes]."

Bass mentioned the recall effort being mounted against Assemblyman Anthony Adams by concerned citizens, and went on to say, "I don’t know why we allow that kind of terrorism to exist." Coupal (pictured) condemned these statements as outrageous — saying, "For the State of California’s Speaker of the Assembly to call the people of California ‘terrorists’ is despicable. For… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Democrats: Without a Purpose Other Than To Spend

"We have that duty to make sure that no one starves," state Sen. Jenny Oropeza (D-Long Beach) said as she pleaded with GOP senators for their votes.

And thusly, the stupidity and ignorance continues……….

I don’t know anyone starving in California. If there are needs, they are being met by family, social service agencies or some form of government. If Jenny Oropeza really believes that this budget is about people starving, she is just dumb.

Even with no money, Democrats don’t get it – because they have no purpose in life other than to spend. Without money to spend, they might as well go home.

Much is made of "outreach" programs to meet politlical objectives. Republicans have their various outreach programs, which don’t work. The entire Democrat outreach program is spending money. That is all they have to offer. And now that then can’t do it anymore, the are an angry mob prone to say stupid things.

Thanks for the entertainment……….… Read More

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