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Jon Fleischman

Pro-Democracy, Anti-Tax Groups Oppose SB 34, Legislation To Make It Harder To Qualify Ballot Measures

What if I told you that there is an effect underway by Democrats inside of the State Capitol to make it more difficult and expensive to qualify ballot measures? Would you be shocked? Would it really surprise you that a legislature that has its own ability to place measures on the ballot (like the taxes that were rejected by voters last May) doesn’t want the people to have that same power?

Senate Bill 34 actually makes it a crime to hire signature gatherers to circulate petitions and pay those gatherers for every signature that they obtain. That is very poor public policy. Understand that what petition gatherers do is create opportunities to sign petitions if they want to… Of course voters can elect not to sign a petition. Make no bones about it — there is only one reason why the Democrats have pushed this legislation out the Senate on a party-line vote, and into the Assembly where they will likely try to do the same — to stifle citizen-qualified ballot measures.

Longtime FlashReport friend Paul Jacob, President of Citizens In Charge, and one of the signors on a letter (below) to the State Legislature, had this to say:… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD 5 GOP Candidate Pugno Raises $250k — In Three Weeks!

Question: What do Republican Assembly candidate Andy Pugno and a Mucielago Lamborghini racing car have in common? Answer: Both have set records for speed.

Pugno’s campaign announced today that in just three weeks between the date he announced his candidacy for Assembly in the Sacramento-based 5th District in the second week in June, and the end of the month which was the cut-off for the reporting period, Pugno raised a staggered quarter-million dollars. Especially impressive was that he raised over $60,000 of that through online contributions!

We don’t have video of Pugno’s lighting fast fundraising efforts, but we do have a video of the impressive Mucielago Lamborghini going from 0 to 60 MPH in just 3.3 seconds! … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Welch “Nails It” With Article In Reason Magazine – “California Screaming”

If you read nothing else today, I strongly encourage you to take five minutes and read this spot-on insightful piece by Matt Welch, California Screaming, which appears in the August/September print edition of Reason Magazine.

Welch’s calling out of some of the main stream media editorial boards and columnists in California is nothing short of brilliant. (h/t to Chris Reed for the link)Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Senate Public Safey Committee Kills Bill That Would Have Kept Gitmo Inmates Out of California

The Senate Public Safety Committee today killed a measure(which I authored)that urges the President of the United States and Congress to ensure that no prisoner detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is permitted to enter California.

Once again, those who are supposed to be the gatekeepers of California’s public safety have failed to make citizens a number one priority. This shameful politically-driven opposition is a slap in the face to the many Californians who have expressed a desire to keep terrorists out of our state.

I argued before the committee that Senate Joint Resolution 11 is necessary because the imminent closure of the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba raises the inescapable conclusion that the terrorists who remain in the facility will be transferred to alternative prisons or released here in California.

The White House has not articulated a clear plan for the disposition of these terrorists but confirms that they will all be moved.

A lack of vigilance will result in the release of terrorists who may once again threaten the people of California, who were identified as potential targets for the September 11, 2001 attacks… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bass Downgrades Budget Politics With Unwarranted Statements

I admit that even I’m growing a little numb to the mess in Sacramento these days. It takes a lot to get me to say "wow." But something that came out of Speaker Karen Bass’s office today literally made my jaw drop.

In a note to the news media from her spokesperson Shannon Murphy, Speaker Bass invoked both Rosa Parks and gender bias in explaining why she had chosen to no longer be part of the process of developing budget solutions. As they say on Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update: "Really? Really?!?"

Let’s see what led up to this: Yesterday morning, Bass chose not to attend a meeting of the legislative leadership with the Governor. Then, she said to the collected press corps that she’d consider not attending additional meetings of the "Big 5." The LA Times rightly headlined their story this morning: "Speaker Boycotts California Budget Session."How then, does the top-ranking elected official in the state Assembly react? She invokes the memory of "staying off buses in Montgomery to bring down Jim Crow" and quibbles with the word "boycott." Then, she accuses the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund on Sarah Palin’s Resignation As Alaska’s Governor

Just a few days ago Alaska Governor and former GOP Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin announced that she is going to be stepping down from her position as Governor. This announcement spurred dozens and dozens of news stories and a large swath of political pundits have tried to make their case as to why she did this, and what it means for her future and the future of the Grand Old Party. Since this is a website on California politics, other than including a few links on our main news-roundup page, we haven’t covered this. That said, the Wall Street Journal’s John Fund has penned what I consider to be the most insightful prognostication yet on the subject. So I thought I would share it…

Death by a Thousand FOIAs

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Jon Fleischman

Anderson’s AB 1506 Passes First Committee

Today the Assembly Business and Professions Committee on a unanimous vote approved Assemblyman Joel Anderson’s AB 1506, which allows someone who has been issued IOU’s from the state, but owes the state money (DMV fees, taxes, etc.) to be able to use those IOU’s to pay the state.

Of course this common-sense legislation has a lot of hurdles to go before becoming law, but this is a good first step. Next stop: Assembly Appropriations Committee.

Read more about the legislation here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assembly Democrats So Well Represented (Not)

The Sacramento Bee has reported that Democrat Assembly Speaker Karen Bass boycotted this morning’s Big 5 budget talks, and that apparently she may do so again this afternoon.

Now if Bass were skipping meetings to object to the closed Big 5 process, and demanding a more open, public process. Well, that we might applaud. But guess why Bass skipped this morning’s meeting? She skipped it because she doesn’t like some of the ideas that are being put on table to try and deal with the state’s fiscal woes.

One hears this and thinks of a little four-year old who pouts because they don’t get there way.

The reality is that Bass and her party have spent California to the brink, and then some. She could at least be enough of a mature adult to attend the discussions, make the points of her caucus known to the others, and take home relevant information to them.

Way to go, Assembly Democrats —… Read More

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