Supervisor Slater-Price’s Office Responds to Danon
Let me state that it was — and is — not my intent to make this blog a ‘he said-she said’ sort of thing.
However, last night candidate Steve Danon commented to me that he is "100 percent in" the race in 2012, whether incumbent 3rd District San Diego County Supervisor Pam Slater-Price runs for a sixth term or not, and that he was misunderstood if the Slater-Price folks believed him to say otherwise. (You may want to read that post and the couple of linked prior ones as a primer.)
In fairness to John Weil, chief of staff to Slater-Price, he attempted to post the following comment as a response to last night’s blog entry, but to no avail, so here it is…
Mr. Jantz:
I did not ‘misunderstand’ Steve Danon. He told me twice that he will not run against Vice Chairwoman Pam Slater-Price. He made it very clear. He can assert otherwise all he wants. However, I have a witness.
If Danon wants to manipulate the English language to break a… Read More