Today’s Commentary: Secrecy of “Big 5” Process Must Be Offset By Having Budget Proposal In Print 72 Hours Before A Vote
Word from all sources is that the confidential meetings of Governor Schwarzenegger, Senate President Darrell Steinberg, Senate GOP Leader Dennis Hollingsworth, Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, and Assembly Republican Leader Sam Blakeslee – with only their most senior staff members present – has resulted in the framework for a deal to balance the state’s current budget, which currently is projected to spend $26.2 billion more than the tax revenues coming into fund it.
The last time the so-named “Big 5” came to a budget deal, it was February and it was a raw deal for California taxpayers. Not only did the secret meetings results in well over $16 billion in higher sales, income and car taxes, as well as a families with children losing a key tax exemption – but that deal also produced the ill-fated Proposition 1A, which required “adult supervision” from California voters to reject any more tax increases to deal with the state’s fiscal woes.
As I look back at the terrible big budget/big taxes/open primary deal of February – one of the biggest problems with the deal was not even the terrible public policy within it, but the flawed “secret” process,… Read More