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OC Local Electeds Oppose Budget Deal

Orange County local elected officials will come together tomorrow to oppose the compromise budget deal. They call it a "Reckless and Irresponsible Ponzi scheme."

Already in this forum there is commentary on the League’s response.

Fleischman brings up an interesting point. Perhaps there ought to be an alternative organization that represents the interests of cities. I am thinking of a PAC, totally separate from governments yet funded via the efforts of local elected officials.

Smaller government is a great idea, but in the mean time, I trust local governments to spend my taxpayer dollars more than I trust the legislature. It is much easier to hold accountable the city council member I see in Synagogue or the water board member I run into at the super market.

I wish local elected officials had more clout in Sacramento. A fund raising vehicle that would support their interests would help.

Click below to see the full media advisory.

* * * NEWS CONFERENCE ADVISORY * * * Media Advisory: City Officials and Taxpayer Advocates Hold Press Conference Wednesday, July 22 at 2:00 p.m. to Condemn State Budget Deal… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Chip Hanlon: How Far Can We Stretch Even A Big Tent?

Those who have talked to me about it know that I have been stewing for a few weeks now about the vote of Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack in support of the national energy tax bill ("cap and trade") that narrowly passed through the House of Representatives. Astonishingly and in a most disappointing development, Republican Members of the House provided the margin of passage for what was hailed as Nancy Pelosi’s most important legislative achievement as Speaker. Because my brain is hard-wired to California politics, my angst is largely directed to Bono Mack, the only California Republican to vote for this terrible piece of legislation. The state budget crisis has provided me with a little bit of a distraction, and spared Rep. Bono Mack, thus far, of a pretty hard-hitting commentary from this website publisher.

That said, this morning I was perusing the Red County website, and came across what I would call a "must read" column from FR friend Chip Hanlon. Chip, a conservative who "gets it" has been providing solid leadership in my home county of Orange for many years, and I am pleased to say that he has started to provide some… Read More

Barry Jantz

Alternative to the League of CA Cities?

Mr. Fleischman poses an interesting question in his post two below, specifically: Is there any statewide group out there that represents cities besides the League of California Cities? Let me attempt to answer.

Jon, although there are no other statewide groups that represent cities of which I am aware, there are a number of groups across the state that do in fact represent individual cities.

They are called city councils.

However, all too often these bodies and/or their individual members seem to march lockstep, herd mentality, with the consistent pro-tax philosophy of the "League."

All the more ironic, in that the League itself really doesn’t represent any taxpayers, at least not directly, while the city councilmembers most certainly do.

The reason I mention such heresy, is that I know there are dozens and perhaps hundreds of locally-elected city officials from throughout California that do in fact understand and realize the duplicityof a statewide association that admittedly does a pretty decent job in protecting… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Moore: “Arnold Wins A Round”

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail…

Arnold Wins a Round

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Jon Fleischman

“Leaked” Hollingsworth Memo

Unfortunately I can’t "leak" a memo from Senate Republican Dennis Hollingsworth. In addition to being a fine conservative, he is a personal friend. I wouldn’t risk my friendship by leaking private correspondence that he generates.

That said, Capitol Weekly doesn’t have the same chains on them. They have a "leaked" memo from Hollingsworth to Senate Republicans that is worth a read.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

League of Cities: Don’t Take City Money, Just The Money Of The Tapayers In The Cities

Is there any statewide group out there that represents cities besides the California League of Cities — I would like to know? I just got a press release on League letterhead that some local elected officials are protested the raid on local government dollars in this budget deal.

Where were they during the last budget deal, which “raided” the pockets of taxpayers (their constituents) with billions in higher income, sales and car taxes?

While I appreciate the policy reasons for why the raid on local government funds is a bad idea, I am having real troubles building up sympathy for politicians that protest this under the banner of the pro-tax increase League of Cities.

The League needs some new political leadership — that will push for smaller state government — not look out for its narrow interest by supporting tax increases on city residents.… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Another Nickel a Drink

It goes without saying that if Democrats are engaged in budget negotiations, there is going to be another clandestine effort to sneak a tax increase into the final solution.

Senate Democrats are purportedly attempting to increase the current 5 cent deposit on small containers to 10 cents. What is the big deal with a measly 5 cents?

Since the smaller containers are approximately 88% of the beverage market, this increase would result in a $980 million additional tax on consumers.

A nickel will get you a billion, which is real money in budget discussions!

The reality is that the beverage container recycling fund has become insolvent because of borrowing for the state general fund. This is an absurd consequence caused by fiscal mismanagement, which again was not the fault of taxpayers.

The Senate leadership, along with environmentalists,is proposing the10 cent deposit as a way to avoid reductions associated with the beverage fund deficits and to generate more money for their pet causes.

The voters spoke clearly on May 19th. No more taxes! That includes another nickel a drink tax on nearly every soda, juice, and water that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Difference Between Health Care In Canada and the United States

This is a great presentation from Dr. Sally Pipes, President of the Pacific Research Institute, which is headquartered right here in California. Anyone concerned about the health care issue should take the time to watch it… … Read More

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