Budget Deal Close To Done
As of around 7am when I am writing this, the State Senate has finished approving a bunch of bills that make up the budget deal negotiated by the Governor and legislative leaders over the past weeks. The State Assembly has approved most of the package, but is still hung up on the issue of the repayment of money to education.
It’s been a marathon session — and not much sleep for a lot of people. I know that I was up to the wee hours and just caught brief cat naps here or there. This is probably a good chance to talk about how embarrassed I am for the process around this marathon latenight session. There was no need to hold these votes through the dead of the night, away from the watchful eyes of the public. Oh, and all of the lofty words from Republican legislators about "transparency" and insisting that all of the language of these many bills be in print for at least 24 hours (inadequate but better than nothing) were just rhetoric. Many of the bills voted on were voted on upon receipt of the final language. So the fair and open and transparent process was sacrificed on the alter of the "deal" — sigh.
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