Federal Judges Order Release of ¼ of California’s Prison Population
The Sacramento Bee is reporting that a panel of three federal judges ruled today that California must release 44,000 prison inmates in the next two years. According to the Bee’s Kevin Yamamura, 44,000 inmates amount to more than 1/4 of the state’s entire prison population.
Apparently California’s crowded prisons are violating the "rights" of the incarcerated. In their opinion the judges ruled, "…(T)he rights of California’s prisoners have repeatedly been ignored. Where the political process has utterly failed to protect the constitutional rights of a minority, the courts can, and must, vindicate those rights." These three judges have placed the “rights” of the imprisoned above the rights of law-abiding citizens. How long before one of these prisoners commits another crime? Can we expect lawsuits from future victims of these early-release prisoners?
Obviously, with the state in such a dire financial condition, building new prisons won’t be a priority for the legislature—especially when “vital services” like welfare can’t be cut. This should… Read More