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BOE Member George Runner

Democrats’ prison bill would allow ex-felon to sit on public safety commission

Today, the Legislature will vote on the Democrats’ prison budget proposal, which includes several dangerous elements, such as releasing inmates early from prison, rewarding thieves for stealing vehicles valued under $2,500, and creating a public safety commission that would allow membership by an ex-felon.

This measure is offensive to law-abiding Californians and an affront to crime victims. Making matters worse, this is an all-or-nothing bill – meaning the Democrats put several ideas into one bill and snuck in things like a sentencing commission that has nothing to do with reducing prison costs and everything to do with an elitist political agenda.

Specifically, Assembly Bill X3-14 creates the California Public Safety Commission, composed of 16 members one of whom will be an ex-felon appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly. Allowing an ex-con to sit on a public safety commission sounds like a parody out of Mad Magazine. Unfortunately it’s a real proposal, which means one of the commissioners could potentially be Lynette ‘Squeaky’ Fromme, the recently released felon who attempted to assassinate President Ford and an avid follower of Charles… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Sensible amendments to prison bill are rejected by Dems

Today, I offeredsix common-sense amendments to the dangerous prison bill proposed by the Democrats and the Governor. Sadly, and to the detriment of California’s safety, allsix were rejected by the Democrat Senators.

The amendments would have done the following:

* Close three juvenile facilities(read more about this proposal here) * Suspend all rehabilitation programs * Required CDCR to use Medi-Cal rate for prison health care instead of the current rate * Require CDCR to post online a soon-to-be released inmate’s criminal history 10 days prior to release * Require CDCR to post online all arrests and convictions 18 months after arrest * Remove ex-felon requirement form the Sentencing Commission (Read more about the Sentencing Committee here)… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s John Fund on Bob Novak

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary…

The ‘Prince of Darkness’ Was a Prince

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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: DeVore Blasts Fiorina As She Takes Steps To Enter U.S. Senate Race

Yesterday I blogged about the announcement by former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina (pictured right) that she was taking the initial steps that one would take if looking at an official run for the U.S. Senate — filing her campaign committee name with the federal government, and bringing on board some communications consultants. You can read that here.

As Fiorina considers becoming a Republican candidate for the United States Senate, with an end-goal target of trying to take out liberal incumbent Barbara Boxer, she undoubtedly is well aware that she must first get through a GOP primary. For nearly a year now, conservative Assemblyman Chuck DeVore of Orange County has been running an extremely aggressive campaign for the Republican nomination. I should probably… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: News Story On Proposal To Ban Big Screen TVs

Have you reached out to your legislator to ask them what THEY are DOING to stop the California Energy Commission from moving forward with their plan to ban big screen televisions? Check out this news story… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

WPost’s Cillizza HEARTS Whitman/Fiorina

You can reading Chris Cillizza’s Morning Fix column here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

DeVore Blasts Fiorina As She Takes Steps To Enter U.S. Senate Race

Yesterday I blogged about the announcement by former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina (pictured right) that she was taking the initial steps that one would take if looking at an official run for the U.S. Senate — filing her campaign committee name with the federal government, and bringing on board some communications consultants. You can read that here.

As Fiorina considers becoming a Republican candidate for the United States Senate, with an end-goal target of trying to take out liberal incumbent Barbara Boxer, she undoubtedly is well aware that she must first get through a GOP primary. For nearly a year now, conservative Assemblyman Chuck DeVore of Orange County has been running an extremely aggressive campaign for the Republican nomination. I should probably… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fiorina Takes First Official Step In U.S. Senate Bid; Wilson-Miller Retained

Today Carly Fiorina, the former Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett Packard, announced that she has filed the name, "Carly for California," with the IRS — which is the very, very first thing that you do if you are looking to run for federal office. Fiorina, who was very visible on the stump for the Presidential campaign of United States Senator John McCain last year, has been talking to people about a potential bid for the U.S. Senate seat currently occupied by ultra-liberal Barbara Boxer for some time now. Fiorina held a slew of meetings at last February’s State GOP convention. Shortly afterwards, however, she began treatments as she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Sources assure us that she is almost completed with those treatments, and is still very focused on exploring a bid for the Senate, hence this announcement.

About her taking this first step, Fiorina (pictured left) had this to say in a prepared… Read More

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