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Jon Fleischman

UPDATED: Riverside County Supervisor Roy Wilson Tenders Resignation – Governor Will Appoint Replacement

Original Post: 712pm Friday (Update Below)

In a shocker for Riverside County politics, longtime Supervisor Roy Wilson (pictured), whose 4th District Supervisorial Seat is on the eastern end of the county — and much of the Coachella Valley. In his resignation letter Wilson states that he is resigning because of his poor health — and so we extend our heartfelt best wishes to Wilson as he deals with this personal trauma.

In this instance, the vacancy on the Board of Supervisors will be filled by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Whomever he selects would fill out the remainder of Wilson’s term, which would have expired next year.

In what I would a non-typical circumstance, Wilson actually asks the Governor to appoint newly elected State Senator… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Former Legislator, Conservative Leader Chuck Poochigian Tapped by Arnold for Appeals Court Post

FR readers should be very pleased to learn that yesterday Governor Schwarzenegger appointed conservative leader Chuck Poochigian to serve as a judge on the Fifth District Court of Appeal! This is great news.

As most know, Poochigian served for many many years in the California legislature, distinguishing himself as a legislator who understood and respected the limited role for government that was envisioned by our Founding Fathers. Prior to serving in the State Senate and State Assembly, Poochigian served in the administration of Governor Pete Wilson — he served as Judicial Appointments Secretary (a small world, indeed).

We always add that it is a mixed blessing when conservative leaders are appointed to the bench. Of course it is great for the state, and for those who believe that we should have judges who enforce the laws of the land, as opposed to making the laws. But this also takes Pooch off of the "political field of play" as it is traditional and expected for judges to be… Read More

Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher

Fletcher/Garrick: Public Safety is a Non-negotiable

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Barry Jantz

AD 77 Getting Crowded: Jeff Kover Jumps In

FlashReport Exclusive…Let’s see, I wrote previously that Joel Anderson had yet to say he’s not runing for re-election to his 77th Assemby District seat next year, resulting in FR honcho Jon Fleischman calling it quaint that I would even doubt Joel isn’t running for Senate in the 36th (Hollingsworth, currently). Quaint.

Of course, I didn’t say I doubted it, I simply said Joel hadn’t officially done anything, like file paperwork.

So, speaking of filing paperwork, in this case for an open 77th, we have another candidate to go along with Christine Rubin (see FR post), Brian Jones and Bill Wells.

Former Cajon Valley Schools Trustee let me know a short time ago that he submitted paperwork today to run. Here’s what he has to say…

I am pleased toRead More

Assemblyman Curt Hagman

No new Business: Major Victory

After a long day of waiting, the Assembly just adjourned without taking up any new business.

This is a major victory for Californians. My colleagues from across the aisle pulled back from a public safety disaster at the very last minute. With more than a handful of Democrats having issues with the Senate bill, the sentencing commission (along with its absurd requirement of one ex-felon member) and early release of prisonersare bothdead for the time being.

So even though waiting for absolutely nothing today may have been a big waste of time, I am very happy to say that California scored a major victory tonight.… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Sensible amendments to prison bill are rejected by Dems

Today, I offeredsix common-sense amendments to the dangerous prison bill proposed by the Democrats and the Governor. Sadly, and to the detriment of California’s safety, allsix were rejected by the Democrat Senators.

The amendments would have done the following:

* Close three juvenile facilities(read more about this proposal here) * Suspend all rehabilitation programs * Required CDCR to use Medi-Cal rate for prison health care instead of the current rate * Require CDCR to post online a soon-to-be released inmate’s criminal history 10 days prior to release * Require CDCR to post online all arrests and convictions 18 months after arrest * Remove ex-felon requirement form the Sentencing Commission (Read more about the Sentencing Committee here)… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Our Dysfunctional Legislature — Making California A Better Place For Criminals?

It seems to us that the politics of the State Capitol couldn’t be more dysfunctional even if you tried to make it so — and the policy quasi-debate and votes that are scheduled to take place today on the issue of reducing the budget of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation by over a billion dollars are a prime example.

First and foremost, let’s set the table thusly… Liberal Democrats in Sacramento have for decades been applying the brakes to laws that seek to hold individual criminals accountable for their actions. The collectivist mindset of ideologues on the left is that every criminal should actually be looked at as a "victim of society" — after all, no one would actually want to violate the life, liberty or property of another — only a breakdown in the social fabric of our society, for which we are all partially responsible, could result in a person resorting to a life of crime. Right? WRONG. This failed idea completely ignores the important principle that every… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Our Dysfunctional Legislature — Making California A Better Place For Criminals?

It seems to us that the politics of the State Capitol couldn’t be more dysfunctional even if you tried to make it so — and the policy quasi-debate and votes that are scheduled to take place today on the issue of reducing the budget of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation by over a billion dollars are a prime example.

First and foremost, let’s set the table thusly… Liberal Democrats in Sacramento have for decades been applying the brakes to laws that seek to hold individual criminals accountable for their actions. The collectivist mindset of ideologues on the left is that every criminal should actually be looked at as a "victim of society" — after all, no one would actually want to violate the life, liberty or property of another — only a breakdown in the social fabric of our society, for which we are all partially responsible, could result in a person resorting to a life of crime. Right? WRONG. This failed idea completely ignores the important principle that every… Read More

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