We are already a permanent minority
It seems the Chronicle, whose concern about the health of the State’s GOP is well documented, is now worried about who votes in Republican primaries. Excuse me if I don’t worry about the Chronicles opinion about our party. We have a bigger problem.
Rod Lapsley, of the State’s Chamber of Commerce, commented that prohibiting decline to state voters from voting in Republican primaries would relegate the party to "permanent minority status." Excuse me if I don’t care what the Chamber thinks, either. The Chamber is as much responsible for Democrat hegemony in this state as any other group. They demand absolute fidelity from Republicans, but have little problems hopping into bed with the other side if it suits their purpose. The Democrats have a faithful spouse in the unions; the business community, to whom the Republicans seem to have married their future, cheat on the Republicans all the time. They do not have our best interest in mind either.
Republicans’ problems go deeper than who votes in their primaries, and the sooner Republicans understand that, the better we will be. In the same day as the Chronicle story… Read More