Hegyi Endorsed By Senator Dave Cox in AD 10 Race
The 10th Assembly District which is centered in the San Joaquin and Sacramento County Areas – largely around South East Sacramento County, the Stockton area, and east into the foothills is a seat that had long been held by Republicans until last November when Democrat Alyson Huber narrowly defeated GOPer Jack Sieglock. As the saying goes, success has many fathers but failure is an orphan. In this case, no one wanted to take “credit” on the GOP side for Sieglock’s defeat and the shifting of this long-time Republican seat into the blue column. Some said that the candidate was to blame – did he campaign hard enough? Others said that funding priorities by the party and the Assembly GOP leadership were awry, and this caused the loss. I’ve heard others say that in the year of Obama, this seat was going to shift no matter what.