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Jon Fleischman

Proponents of Adams Recall To Turn In 40,000 Signatures Today

As we reported last week, today the Committee to Recall Anthony Adams will turn in around 40,000 signatures to registrars of voters in both Los Angeles and San Bernardino County. In order for a recall election to be called against Adams there will ultimately need to be about 36,000 valid signatures of voters from the 59th Assembly District turned in. (The media event will be this afternoon at the Los Angeles County Registrar, headed up by Recall Adams leader and former State Senator Dick Mountjoy.)

The recall against Adams is taking place over his deciding vote to increase state income, sales and car taxes by billions — actually it was the largest tax increase ever at the state level in any state in the history of America. Adams took a pledge not to raise taxes in his critical first primary… Read More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Term Limits Blasts CA Forward Proposal To Weaken Term Limits

A few weeks ago, the organization California Forward sent a letter to the Governor and members of the State Legislature outlining what they believe to be a series of reforms that, if passed, would improve the condition of government here in California. You can see that letter here (h/t KQED).

Many of the reforms have merit, a few are more questionable — all deserve closer examination.

But for the purposes of this commentary, I am focused on what would be, for me, a "deal killer" when it comes to "reforms" — and that is a proposal to severely weaken California’s legislative term limits, placed into the State Constitution back in 1990. Three times now, most recently with Proposition 93, the political-class have sought to undo in some part what the voters put into place — and all three times their efforts have been rejected.

Under the "reform" proposed by California Forward, while an individual currently is limited, in their lifetime, to serving three terms in the State Assembly and two terms in the State Senate,… Read More

Bill Leonard

Government Extortion Racket for Children

Until recently, Assembly Bill 402 by Mike Davis (D- Los Angeles) was called “the Michael Jackson Child Performers Workplace Protection Act.”The author amended the bill to take out Michael Jackson’s name.I guess someone finally told Davis that most people do not associate Michael Jackson’s name with protecting children. While the title was amusing, the bill is not.It would create a new $50 tax for every child who applies for an entertainment work permit.California law requires children to obtain free work permits from the Labor Commissioner to work in the entertainment industry.The proposed new tax would be collected even if the permit is denied. As usual, the proponents call this tax a “fee” even though most children will receive no benefit at all, unless being allowed to submit an application for a work permit is somehow considered a benefit.The bureaucrats areRead More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Meg Whitman & Van Jones

[Cross-posted from]

The Poizner for Governor campaign has taken advantage of the Van Jones controversy by circulating a video clip of GOPrival Meg Whitman saying she’s a "huge fan" of the controversial green, extremist lefty.

In the battle for the hearts and minds of GOPactivists and regulars, this is good hit by the Poizner campaign that’s received a lot of play. Campaigns aren’t tiddly-winks: Whitman said those words on video, and the Poizner campaign took advantage of that. If the situation were reversed, I’ve no doubt the Whitman campaign would have done the same thing.

Here’s what Whitman said in the clip (recorded in May of this year):

"There’s a guy over in Oakland, I think his name is Van Jones. And he and I were on a cruise last summer in the Arctic, on climate change. And I got to know him very well. AndRead More

Jon Fleischman

There Are Normal U.S. Senators Out There – We Just Don’t Have One Here In California

We’ve had hardcore left-wing U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer representing California for so long that it is almost startling to hear the common sense that comes from some of the Senators from states not on the "left coast — such as Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. Check out this video below from a townhall meeting where Coburn engages a constituent in a dialogue after she asks for a show of hands of how many people in the room support a "public option" for government run healthcare.

Oh yes, of note is that Coburn’s profession — medical doctor. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Meg Jones

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Jon Fleischman

Taxpayer Advocates To Turn In Nearly 40,000 Signatures Tuesday

Just off the transom from the Committee to Recall Anthony Adams…

Committee to Turn-in Over 36,000 Signatures to Qualify Anthony Adams for a special Recall Election; Calls on Adams to Resign to Spare Himself Further Embarrassment

On Tuesday, September 8th at 3:00PM, The Committee to Recall Anthony Adams along with Recall Proponents will submit over 36,000 signatures to the Registrar of Voters Office, 12400 Imperial Hwy. in Norwalk, Ca. “This is a proud day for the over-burdened taxpayers of the great State of California,” said campaign spokesman, Mike Schroeder. Adams broke his campaign promise to never to raise taxes. Adams relied heavily upon this promise to win election to the Assembly. He then voted to double theRead More

Ray Haynes

Nothing justifies New Taxes on Anybody

What is going on in the Assembly Republican caucus? Have they lost their minds? The Senate passed the Healthy Families bill, a bill with a tax increase in it, with Republican help, which was foolish enough. One Senator said he just couldn’t see "children losing their health care." He couldn’t have articulated the Democrat argument for any tax increase better. But the Assembly caucus voted overwhelmingly for the thing. Are they nuts?

I will start with one observation. I was one of 5 Senators who voted against the Healthy Families bill in 1997. Healthy Families is the California version of the so-called State Child Health Insurance program (S-CHIP) which was passed by the national government (with a Republican majority in Congress) in those days. The reason given for passage at the time was that the federal government had to do something about the uninsured children out there. So-they passed a program where the federal government paid for two-thirds of a subsidized health insurance program (with the state picking up the other one-third) for the so-called working poor, those poor workers whose employers were too cheap to buy health… Read More

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