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Jon Fleischman

OC GOP Chairman and Former Assembly Republican Leader Calls On Duvall To Resign

OC Weekly’s Scott Moxley has just posted a follow up piece to his breaking story of last night on the ever-growing scandal of Mike Duvall.

In his latest piece, Moxley reports that well respected Orange County Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh, formerly Assembly Republican Leader, has called on Mike Duvall to resign his office.

An excerpt from Moxley’s piece…

"There’s nothing defensible in what I saw or heard," Baugh said about the airing of video capturing Duvall graphically boast to a colleague during a public committee hearing about his sexual conquests with lobbyists. The key memorable line from the boasting was his gleeful observation that one of the lobbyists had complained that the assemblyman was "dripping out" of her when she walked up stairs after a sexual interlude. "My heart goes out to Mike’s family," said Baugh. "ButRead More

Jon Fleischman

Duvall Scandal Goes International: Headlines in UK Paper

The pseudo-news, tabloidy UK Daily Mail has decided to run with the Duvall scandal, choosing to tie the story to, of all people, Arnold Schwarzenegger. It’s worth a read to see how this is being portrayed over in jolly London… THE LINK: The spanking senator: Politician friend of Schwarzenegger caught on camera bragging about extra-marital affairRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Another Head Scratcher: Meg Whitman “Huge Fan” of Van Jones

Like many conservatives in California, I regret ever getting on the Arnold bandwagon. Although he has been very good for the past two months, he squandered his political capital on nothing, then aided the State’s freefall into the abyss by not being even remotely fiscally conservative. I have the same misgivings about Meg Whitman. That sinking feeling that she is not authentic, too quick to praise leftist radicals, and not resolute enough to stand up to the leftists in this State largely responsible for our debt and deficits.

Conservatives throughout California got a glimpse of a very naive Meg Whitman this week in her video praising former Obama Green Czar Van Jones.

Whitman, who didn’t even register as a Republican until 2007, said thatRead More

Jon Fleischman

Assemblyman Chris Norby?

Over at the venerable Red County/OC Blog website, editor Matt Cunningham has already begun to look past the fact that scandal-embroiled incumbent Mike Duvall still occupies his seat in the legislature, and is looking towards a potential special election if Duvall follows the advice of OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh and resigns his seat.

Cunningham is a fan of Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby, whose Supervisorial District overlaps much of the 72 Assembly District, and who is facing term limits next year. You can read Norby’s comments over on Matt’s blog post here.

This Duvall scandal is exploding at light speed — and this kind of analysis coming from a "steady hand" in Orange County like Cunningham is telling indeed…… Read More

Mike Spence

Barack Obama’s Symphony of Destruction

While the controversy will continue to rage about President Barack Obama’s decision to address school children.

I am stunned not by the obvious attempt to look great or indoctrinate young people. Don’t get me wrong all those things are important and clearly this is his attempt to reach young people and their voting parents with an “important message” of stay in school and work hard. As long as he is mentioning stuff, clean your room should be added to the list.

Yes, it is a waste of instructional time etc…

But what bothers me is trying to figure out this question.

Does Barack Obama believe he has the power to change the culture of students by giving a speech?

There is no doubt that Presidents can be inspirational. John F Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and others have proved that,.

In some cases I think a half hour from Sponge Bob (my son picked him over Obama) or a song from Adam Lambert (my daughter says he is cooll) would be more effective with dealing with a culture than a speech by a man that had to overcome graduating from such horrible schools like Columbia and Harvard or even the private schools in Hawaii or Indonesia he… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Statement To Legislators On Water Solution Financing

Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and Jon Fleischman, Publisher of the FlashReport Website on California Politics, this morning released the following statement to the State Legislature concerning ongoing discussions to achieve a solution to our state’s water crisis that the legislature would then place before the voters of California…

"As the Governor and state legislators work earnestly with a goal of pulling together a “comprehensive water solution package” to potentially bring before the full legislature this week, we believe that the frame of mind of thoseRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Statement To Legislators On Water Solution Financing

Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and Jon Fleischman, Publisher of the FlashReport Website on California Politics, this morning released the following statement to the State Legislature concerning ongoing discussions to achieve a solution to our state’s water crisis that the legislature would then place before the voters of California…

"As the Governor and state legislators work earnestly with a goal of pulling together a “comprehensive water solution package” to potentially bring before the full legislature this week, we believe that the frame of mind of thoseRead More

Jon Fleischman

Proponents of Adams Recall To Turn In 40,000 Signatures Today

As we reported last week, today the Committee to Recall Anthony Adams will turn in around 40,000 signatures to registrars of voters in both Los Angeles and San Bernardino County. In order for a recall election to be called against Adams there will ultimately need to be about 36,000 valid signatures of voters from the 59th Assembly District turned in. (The media event will be this afternoon at the Los Angeles County Registrar, headed up by Recall Adams leader and former State Senator Dick Mountjoy.)

The recall against Adams is taking place over his deciding vote to increase state income, sales and car taxes by billions — actually it was the largest tax increase ever at the state level in any state in the history of America. Adams took a pledge not to raise taxes in his critical first primary… Read More

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