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Jon Fleischman


Yesterday I reported that Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby called and told me that his is a candidate for the GOP nomination in Assembly District 72. Currently Norby still occupies that territory all by himself. But names are definitely swirling around of other potential candidates. These (so far) include Republican National Committeewoman Linda Ackerman (the wife of now-retired Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman), Placentia Councilman Scott Nelson, former Placentia Councilman ____, Orange Councilman Jon Dimitru.… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Voter Fraud rampant throughout the United States

Anyone who believes that voter fraud is a thing of the past or not a serious problem in the United States should read these headlines that were published in papers around the country in recent days:

* Two more charged with voting fraud in Lexington election * Update: Atlantic City councilman’s job status still undecided

* 11 accused of faking voter registration cards in Miami-Dade

Our right to vote is one of our most cherished freedoms. Therefore, we must never tolerate voter fraud.

To learn more what we are doing to prevent voter fraud in California, visit www.votesafenow.orgRead More

BOE Member George Runner

Green Jobs industry is a mythical concept in California

Green Jobs is a feel-good buzz term that inspires visions of blending environmental kindness with job creation and economic development in our communities.

However, the reality is California really doesn’t have a strong green job industry. Other states, like next door neighbors Nevada and Arizona, have green job industries because they have built a foundation for green job manufacturing with a friendlier overall job creation environment. (Click here to watch a video of my opposition to a measure that is predicated on California’s green job myth).

Unfortunately, California has failed to create green job manufacturing because we have spent the past decade divesting our state of the once vibrant manufacturing job sector – Another 120,000 manufacturing jobs left California just this last year.

Sure we have created a few sparks of success in niche industries related to green jobs, but we do not have full-blown manufacturing jobs because manufacturers have gone to friendlier business climes.

If the California Legislature wants to make the state a serious player in the green jobs… Read More

Meredith Turney

Miller Removed from Assembly Ethics Committee

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Matthew J. Cunningham

Miller Off Ethics Committee, But Not Krekorian?

Speaker Karen Bass today temporarily recused Assemblyman Jeff Miller from the Ethics Committee that is investigating Mike Duvall’s actions. Presumably that’s because it was Miller to whom Duvall was regaling with his sexcapades in the infamous video, and bass feels there would be some sort of conflict.

But what about Assemblyman Paul Krekorian, who is the co-chair fo the Ethics Commitee? Here he is at a California Against Waste event with ith Heidi Barsuglia, the lobbyist with whom Duvall was (allegedly) having an affair:

Somehow, I don’t think Speaker Bass will be quite so sensitive to appearances off conflicts in this instance.

[Don’t bother looking for the photo: it’s been dropped down the memory hole].… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Duvall Scandal Goes International: Headlines in UK Paper

The pseudo-news, tabloidy UK Daily Mail has decided to run with the Duvall scandal, choosing to tie the story to, of all people, Arnold Schwarzenegger. It’s worth a read to see how this is being portrayed over in jolly London… THE LINK: The spanking senator: Politician friend of Schwarzenegger caught on camera bragging about extra-marital affairRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Another Head Scratcher: Meg Whitman “Huge Fan” of Van Jones

Like many conservatives in California, I regret ever getting on the Arnold bandwagon. Although he has been very good for the past two months, he squandered his political capital on nothing, then aided the State’s freefall into the abyss by not being even remotely fiscally conservative. I have the same misgivings about Meg Whitman. That sinking feeling that she is not authentic, too quick to praise leftist radicals, and not resolute enough to stand up to the leftists in this State largely responsible for our debt and deficits.

Conservatives throughout California got a glimpse of a very naive Meg Whitman this week in her video praising former Obama Green Czar Van Jones.

Whitman, who didn’t even register as a Republican until 2007, said thatRead More

Jon Fleischman

Assemblyman Chris Norby?

Over at the venerable Red County/OC Blog website, editor Matt Cunningham has already begun to look past the fact that scandal-embroiled incumbent Mike Duvall still occupies his seat in the legislature, and is looking towards a potential special election if Duvall follows the advice of OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh and resigns his seat.

Cunningham is a fan of Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby, whose Supervisorial District overlaps much of the 72 Assembly District, and who is facing term limits next year. You can read Norby’s comments over on Matt’s blog post here.

This Duvall scandal is exploding at light speed — and this kind of analysis coming from a "steady hand" in Orange County like Cunningham is telling indeed…… Read More

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