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Tab Berg

Today’s Commentary: Not forgotten…

Have you forgotten — I never will.

Remembering those lost in the 9-11 Attack on America, the unbelievable men & women who ran into the fire to save others, the courageous Flight 93 passengers or the brave men & women of the United States Armed Services.

I’ll never forget that day – and those innocent or brave lives lost. It’s burned forever into my mind, and my heart. I’ll never forget the feelings of loss – and the pride at brave police and firefighters who ran into the fire to save others.

I’ll never forget the rage at the barbarian terrorists whose utter disregard for human life demands they be stamped out utterly, wiped from the earth.

And I’ll never forget our brave men & women in the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines who daily defend the freedom of America. Perhaps that’s why I think honoring our Armed Forces is not a small thing, not a political game – it’s more important than partisan games or… Read More

Tab Berg

Not forgotten…

Have you forgotten — I never will.

Remembering those lost in the 9-11 Attack on America, the unbelievable men & women who ran into the fire to save others, the courageous Flight 93 passengers or the brave men & women of the United States Armed Services.

I’ll never forget that day – and those innocent or brave lives lost. It’s burned forever into my mind, and my heart. I’ll never forget the feelings of loss – and the pride at brave police and firefighters who ran into the fire to save others.

I’ll never forget the rage at the barbarian terrorists whose utter disregard for human life demands they be stamped out utterly, wiped from the earth.

And I’ll never forget our brave men & women in the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines who daily defend the freedom of America. Perhaps that’s why I think honoring our Armed Forces is not a small thing, not a political game – it’s more important than partisan games or… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor’s Office Takes Issue With CalBuzz Column

This brief commentary just came in from David Crane, Economic Advisor to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. This piece is a response to a blog post over at CalBuzz.

Accompanied by a photograph of John Wayne packin’ a six-shooter, Wednesday a columnist wrote that Tax Reform Commission chairman Gerry Parsky was "aimin’ to bushwhack" the tax reform panel.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Tomorrow the Commission will meet in Los Angeles, followed by another meeting Monday in Berkeley and more discussion as necessary before the Commission presents its recommendations to the Legislature and Governor. There will be plenty of time for the Commission members to study and digest the proposals before any recommendations… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Never Mind Building NEW Dams, Legislation Seeks To Demolish Existing Ones?

This just in from our friend Brandon Criss, Chairman of the Siskiyou County Republican Party…

Common Sense From Us in the North State How can the State of California save $250 million, provide clean green hydropower energy for 70,000 homes, prevent the raising of electricity rates on Californians, provide $1.6 million annually in direct revenue to a rural county government for vital government services along with a broader tax-base for that county and also provide incomes, livelihoods and recreation opportunities to its residents? The answer is easier than you may think. All the State of California has to do is NOT demolish or breech hydropower dams on the Klamath River in far northernRead More

Jon Fleischman

DTS Bylaw Proposal Pulled

After consultation with many fellow supporters of my proposed change in the California Republican Party Bylaws, I made the very difficult decision just a few minutes ago to withdraw the change.

To make a long story short, while I am confident that the votes were there to pass the change at the convention, the matter was becoming extremely divisive due to a lot of misinformation being spread about the proposal, and its effects.

The reality is that as long as someone can register Decline To State and elect to vote in either major party’s primary, we will continue to see the percentage of DTS voters steadily increase at the expense of party registration. Both political parties are going to eventually have to confront this issue head on.

My sincere appreciate to the hundreds of CRP Members who had indicated their support, and just because we will not be pursuing this important change this month does not believe we will now ignore the deteriorating effect of the status quo on our party registration.

I will close by saying that a political party cannot long endure if it focuses only on winning elections without thought to being prepared to do so… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

The President’s Lecture

President’s speech: Many of you probably watched the President’s Wednesday night address to a joint session of Congress on health care. Such addresses to a joint session are usually done for the State of the Union or a national military emergency (9/11). It is quite rare to use this for a single policy address.

I was frankly surprised at what went on. This was really more like a lecture than a speech. Rather than accept the legitimate concerns of those (including this writer) who disagree with the president’s health care plan and discuss potential for compromise, Mr. Obama chided and taunted his opposition. You can’t say "we will call you out" in reference to people who will say things with which the President disagrees, and then expect to work with and be trusted by those same people. The President’s tone was haughty and condescending. As a result, the atmosphere is the room was extremely acrimonious. Maybe this mood didn’t come across on TV, but you could cut the air with a knife in that room. That is why there were more outbursts than usual.

The President sets the tone, and the tone was one of… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Green Jobs industry is a mythical concept in California

Green Jobs is a feel-good buzz term that inspires visions of blending environmental kindness with job creation and economic development in our communities.

However, the reality is California really doesn’t have a strong green job industry. Other states, like next door neighbors Nevada and Arizona, have green job industries because they have built a foundation for green job manufacturing with a friendlier overall job creation environment. (Click here to watch a video of my opposition to a measure that is predicated on California’s green job myth).

Unfortunately, California has failed to create green job manufacturing because we have spent the past decade divesting our state of the once vibrant manufacturing job sector – Another 120,000 manufacturing jobs left California just this last year.

Sure we have created a few sparks of success in niche industries related to green jobs, but we do not have full-blown manufacturing jobs because manufacturers have gone to friendlier business climes.

If the California Legislature wants to make the state a serious player in the green jobs… Read More

Meredith Turney

Miller Removed from Assembly Ethics Committee

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