Today’s Commentary: Not forgotten…
Have you forgotten — I never will.
Remembering those lost in the 9-11 Attack on America, the unbelievable men & women who ran into the fire to save others, the courageous Flight 93 passengers or the brave men & women of the United States Armed Services.
I’ll never forget that day – and those innocent or brave lives lost. It’s burned forever into my mind, and my heart. I’ll never forget the feelings of loss – and the pride at brave police and firefighters who ran into the fire to save others.
I’ll never forget the rage at the barbarian terrorists whose utter disregard for human life demands they be stamped out utterly, wiped from the earth.
And I’ll never forget our brave men & women in the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines who daily defend the freedom of America. Perhaps that’s why I think honoring our Armed Forces is not a small thing, not a political game – it’s more important than partisan games or… Read More