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Shawn Steel

Speaker Bass Rejects CAIR

On September 1, I penned a commentary on this page that highlighted that Speaker Bass and Senate President Pro-Tem Darrel Steinberg were listed as "co-hosting" with CAIR [Council on American Islamic Relations] a Ramadan Iftar in the Capitol Rotunda.

Celebrating the end of Ramadan is not, in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fiorina’s Website; DNSC’s Attack Ad

The Democrat National Senatorial Committee is wasting no time in going after Republican U.S. Senate Almost-Candidate Carly Fiorina. While Fiorina has only put her proverbial toe into the water (she’s now got something basic but catchy up on her website), the DNSC released an attack video on Fiorina today (see it below).

There is a brief article in Politico on it, at the end of which the NRSC’s spokesman Brian Walsh responded to the ad saying, "“The inordinate amount of attention national Democrats are paying to an unannounced Senate candidate in California only speaks to the growing vulnerability of Barbara Boxer. When you’re playing defense with a three-term incumbent 14 months before a general election in a blue state that Barack Obama carried by nearly 25 points, that speaks volumes. It’s clear there is real concern by the Democrats that voters in the Golden State – facing the highest unemployment rate since World War II – will be looking for a change in next year’s Senate… Read More

Jon Fleischman

*Breaking News* Zettel To Run Schwarzenegger’s District Office

Tomorrow former Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman and FR friend Charlete Zettel will start a new job as Director of Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger's San Diego field office.

Zettel yesterday resigned her position on the San Diego Regional Airport Authority, but will retain her prestigious position on the University of California Board of Regents.

Charlene, good luck in your new endeavor!… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Obama backpedals on his alliance with Acorn

With serious legal trouble surrounding Acorn, a group with close ties to President Obama, it seems natural for the press to have engaged the president in discussions about the left-wing organization.

But apparently that was not the case, according to this Wall Street Journal article.

Instead, the press nearly ignored the issue. And when one Sunday morning political talk show brought up Acorn, the president scuttled the importance of Acorn’s felonious behavior concerning voter fraud.

Obama’s actions might be considered politically savvy, and he might be hoodwinking a majority of Washington journalists, but he is not fooling the electorate. In fact, his actions could fuel the fire for voter reform, including requiring voters to present identification at the polls.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

I don’t blame Meg for “announcing” again — But I blame the MSM for making it a story…

Okay, so I am being dragged, kicking and screaming, into writing this particular blog post. I am not kicking and screaming out of any dislike or blame for Meg Whitman or her campaign by the way, but because in writing this blog post, I am in fact becoming part of the problem about which I am about to complain.

Today Meg Whitman gave a speech here in Orange County, and announced that she is officially running for Governor. (Long pause)

"Wait," you say, "I thought Meg Whitman was already running for Governor?"

I’m glad you asked that question, loyal blog reader. Yes, in fact, Meg Whitman has not only been running for Governor for many months now — but she has been a rather high profile candidates, literally raising millions of dollars, and maintaining a pretty high profile in the media (and on this website) as she has been gearing up her campaign efforts.

Thanks to a lot of obscure and immoral campaign laws, there is actually some sort of technical distinction between having an… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

New study quantifies the cost of California’s regulatory business climate

California business owners of all sizes and nature understand intimately the inordinate expense and complication of running a company in the Golden State. Because of the hostile and expensive work environment, some business owners have chosen to move their operation to other states; while others have shut down altogether.

The end result is the same: California loses jobs.

That’s why I am not surprised that a recent study by two Sacramento State professors shows California loses an astonishing amount of money year after year due to regulatory laws.

How much?

$493 billion.

That amount is almost five times the state’s general fund budget, and almost a third of the State’s gross product.

The Varshney Study provides the most comprehensive and complete analysis of the total regulatory burden in California. The study and findings have implications for policy-makers and those in charge of the regulatory environment. The results also suggest that future research should attempt to understand how to minimize the intended and unintended costs of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

**Breaking** HJTA PAC Endorses DeVore For U.S. Senate

This just in off the transom — Congratulations Assemblyman DeVore!

Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association PAC Endorses Chuck DeVore for U.S. Senate Sacramento — The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association PAC announced today the endorsement of Assemblyman Chuck DeVore for U.S. Senate. “Chuck DeVore has been a strong ally for taxpayers while serving in the California Legislature,” said Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. “Through everyRead More

Bill Leonard

UC Punishes Students

It was announced last week that UC is increasing student fees by 32%.This is from an institution that makes the bogus claim that it does not charge tuition.As private colleges often point out, when the sum of all school fees are compared to tuition at private colleges they are much more equal than advertised. So if I am a UC student and I somehow manage to pay 32% more will I be getting smaller class sizes, more library books, or better computer access?No, around a third of the student fee money, including the increase, will subsidize the fees of poorer students.Here we see the classic effect of distributive schemes: Raise costs on one group so that money can be given to others.The higher costs result in greater numbers who cannot afford to pay. Eventually the enterprise runs out of other peoples’ money.Lost is the simple notion that if the fees wereRead More

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