Polling Gives Norby The Lead In AD72
[Cross-posted from RedCounty.com post by Allan Bartlett]
As the race for the 72nd AD crystallizes, it was only a matter of time before some early polling results leaked out. I think it’s fair to say at this point that a plurality of the GOP establishment in OC is falling in line behind Linda Ackerman. This is based on my conversations with insiders in the party. However someone in the party forgot to get this memo out to the voters of the 72nd District who favor Chris Norby over Linda Ackerman by a whooping 2 to 1 margin in early polling. Granted this is still very early in the election, but right now this election is Chris Norby’s to lose. This poll used a sample of 300 very likely voters. In one likely ballot match up, Norby leads Ackerman 30% to 14% with Democrat John MacMurray at 13%. Norby’s favorable to unfavorable is at a net positive of 22.5% right now.You can read the rest of the post… Read More