My Opinion, for what it is worth
I have spent the last several years trying to make a living, to become a profit center for the state of California, instead of a cost of doing business. I have learned that once you no longer have a vote in the Legislature, people forget your name, and your opinions count for little. I voice those opinions, nevertheless, from time to time, in the hopes that someone might listen to them.
So, I want to voice my opinion on Governor. Now that the convention is over, and everyone has heard the candidates. The newspapers have analyzed the speeches, and the blogs have clashed their cymbals. I come to this point with the knowledge that I have not always been right about my choices. Bill Simon had to defeat Richard Riordan for the primary nomination, to avoid a complete meltdown of the Republican Party in 2002, but he was a terrible candidate for Governor. Afraid to take a position, constantly alienating people at all turns because of his weakness, and severe personal issues that arose just before the election doomed his chances. I endorsed Simon despite these weaknesses, and we lost that Governor’s race to the incompetent Gray Davis.
I endorsed… Read More