The Trampling of the ‘Moderate’ Democrats
Speaker Pelosi has attempted to minimize the effect of major league squabbles amongst her newly established majority in the current House of Representatives. The differences have become public with the Leftists front and center as the MSM has covered for Pelosi while she supposedly covered for her “Moderates.” How long will she do that?
What I am really shocked about is how quickly the “Moderates” in the caucus are being whipped into line. I would have thought Pelosi et al would have waited until Democrats took back the Presidency and had some say in Congress. This just shows you how far left the caucus has moved.
As I previously pointed out, the caucus did not recently shift to the left. After the 2010 wipeout, the only Democrats remaining were significantly far to the left. That is why they so willingly re-elected Pelosi to her leadership position after losing a historic number of seats.
The new influx of members does contain a group of radical Leftists. You may have heard about them. They are now referred to as “The Squad.” The new caucus though likewise contains a group of Democrats who came from districts that have previously… Read More