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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR Interview With Meg Whitman, Part II – Property Rights

Last week I had a chance to sit down with Gubernatorial hopeful Meg Whitman for the better part of an hour. Our interview covered a number of policy areas including global warming/AB32, eminent domain, gun control, abortion, and philosophy about government. Because we had the handy FlashReport digital recorder along, we’ll be able to bring you some direct excerpts from the interview.


Because of the location at which we met in Menlo Park on the San Francisco Peninsula,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Torrico In Need Of Some Cojones

Assemblyman Alberto Torrico’s (D- Newark) likes to talk tough, but he can’t even back up his own statements.

In a recent article by Capitol Weekly, Asm. Torrico referred to Governor Schwarzenegger and Senate Republican leader Dennis Hollingsworth as extortionists because they are holding firm for a comprehensive water solution. The legislative session ended on September 11, 2009 and nearly one month later the Democrats still haven’t delivered a plan to solve for our states water crisis; yet Asm. Torrico has the gall to criticize them?

It was Torrico who went on the Spanish language station of Univision on August 29, 2009 and declared that the Latino Caucus believed helping the Central Valley should take precedent over green concerns. He also called this a “necessity” and the “number one priority.”

It is difficult to call this issue a “necessity” and the “number one priority” when you are out chastising others for making it… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Unbelievable – Assembly Republicans Find $3 BILLION in Eco-Pork in Water Package

It would appear, according to the Fresno Bee, that Senate and Assembly Democrats need a reminder that in trying to come to a solution that solves the problem of people in California not having enough water for their personal and business needs, passing a solution through the legislature is only the first part of a two-step process. Any solution, because of the inevitable need to borrow large sums of money, will require voter approval.

So it is with a certain level of cynicism that I read today in the Fresno Bee that Assembly Republicans have identified a staggering $3 billion in what Assemblyman Tom Berryhill refers to as "environmental pork" in the package as proposed.

Or put another way, Democrats apparently (and shamefully) want to use the water crisis as a means to try and get voters to approve billions in borrowing that have nothing to do with actually delivering water to those people and business in need. Unbelievable.

I would remind the legislature that the last time a poorly-devised "plan" was hatched in the Capitol and sent to voters, the… Read More

Barry Jantz

Taxpayers Association Releases Major “First Ever” Report on Pension Impacts in San Diego County

The debate increases daily over whether government agencies at all levels can continue to provide generous defined benefit pension plans to their employees. More and more local elected officials are beginning to face the reality that these plans are simply financially unsustainable, while in many cases — sadly — also trying to figure out how to vote for fiscal integrity without upsetting labor groups.

There’s nothing that drives the debate moreso than facts. The San Diego County Taxpayers Association has issued what clearly stands as a significant 52-page report on the impacts of pension systems in the region, a first ever analysis of 17 city governments in San Diego County that participate in the California Public Employee Retirement System.

The report draws a conclusion. Increased taxes are the direct result of high pension costs in some cities.

The media embargo was lifted on the report at 10 p.m. tonight. It’s 10 p.m. at the FlashReport. So, here is the press release, with the report attached below.

City Pension Costs Linked to HigherRead More

Jon Fleischman

Live Tweeting the First AD 72 Debate

For those online tonight (or catching up tomorrow), I am about to “live twitter” the California Republican Assembly's candidate debate in AD 72 — where Linda Ackerman, Chris Norby, and Richard Fahr will have their first public debate. My feed is on twitter at “FlashReport”.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WhitmanVideo: “Poizner: The Perfect Politician”

To look outside you would swear Summer is in transition to the Fall. But to follow the California Republican Gubernatorial primary between Steve Poizner and Meg Whitman — it’s definately Spring time! The Whitman campaign has just released a video (below) accusing Poizner of being the "perfect politician" because of Poizner’s attempt to "explain away" his writing large checks to the Gore Recount Committee and the DNC as being donations on behalf of his wife, a liberal Democrat — with Poizner saying that he signs family checks as more of an administrative function of their household. We’ll visit the whole issue of Poizner and contributions to Democrats at some point (it’s impossible for anyone to keep up with all of this), but I want to pass along this video… Fun times for all those engaged in the spectator sport of mud-wrestling candidates… I guess we’ll need to keep an eye out for a Poizner video highlighting Whitman’s past financial and political support of Barbara Boxer… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Video – Meg Whitman: “Trust Me…I Did Not Say ‘Go Find It'”

A FlashReport reader recently suggested that I simply let the Whitman and Poizner campaigns blog directly onto the website, and sit back and enjoy the fun. That’s actually a temping idea. What might be a better idea is for me to get into the video production business! Here’s the latest from Team Poizner:

Read More

Jon Fleischman

Meg Whitman Announces Statewide Grassroots Campaign Leaders

The Meg Whitman for Governor campaign, just moments ago, released a list of local grassroots leaders from all around the state. Congratulations to the great many FR friends on the list. A special shout out to my good friend Sara Catalan, who in addition to being Deputy Chief of Staff to Congressman Ed Royce, and head of the CWLA Orange County Chapter, is now the Orange County Regional Chair for Meg Whitman’s campaign. Sara is actually quoted in the Whitman release saying, "Meg Whitman is the only gubernatorial candidate who has what it takes to rescue California," said Sara Catalan, the Orange Region Chair. "She is a proven leader with strong values and a sensible plan to restore California’s economy and improve our state government."

Here’s the list…

County Chairs (By Region)

North • North Region Co-Chairs – Bill Brunetti / Cindi Sherrod • Sacramento County Co-Chairs – Roberta MacGlashan / Tom Scott • El Dorado County Chair – MyrlysRead More

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