Capitol Water Showdown
The Governor’s deadline approaches for this year’s body of legislative work that made it tohis desk. Hehas only a coupledays left to wield his pen over a signature or a veto message on each of the bills…and word is that he may veto most or all of themunless he receives asolution to the water crisis.
I’ve long been an advocate for new water supply and storage in this state andI do appreciate that the Guv has kept it asone of his priorities. I share his frustration that the intractible nature of this debate hasfound us years later with no real solution. The closest we came to funding for new storage wasin 2006 during the Big Bond debates on flood, schools, transportation, and housing. Bond proposals were flying all over the Capitol, ringing up to a total of $100 Billion at one time, scaring the heck out of taxpayers and financial advisors all over. However, Republicansand some Valley Dems vowed to make no deal on a ‘water bond’ that did not includereal water storage.
Alas, as negotiations go, the half-Billion that wasthe main focus of the water bond was negotiated out of the deal,… Read More