FR Patriot Award: Assembly Republican Leader Sam Blakeslee
There isn’t a normal Republican out there who wouldn’t be upset and concerned by many of the pieces of legislation that Governor Schwarzenegger signed on Sunday night. Just the number of bills that he signed that went to his desk without a single Republican vote in either the Senate or Assembly should be of grave concern.
Today we’re giving a FlashReport Patriot Award to Assembly Republican Leader Sam Blakeslee who, being a normal Republican, reacted pretty strongly and directly to the Governor’s bill signings in an e-mail that he, according to Capitol Weekly, sent to his 28 Assembly Republican Colleagues. I’ll reprint the first part of the e-mail below, and provide a link to the Capitol Weekly story where you can see the entire thing.
While I would imagine it was not Blakeslee’s intention for this email to be out in the public eye, I can assure that the Assemblyman has put into writing what a great many Republicans were and are thinking about Arnold… Read More