Posted by Jon Fleischman at 12:00 am on Oct 13, 2009 5 Comments
I just got off of the phone with Tim Whitacre, the Campaign
Manager of the Anthony Adams Recall. FR readers will recall
that in February Adams was one of six Republican legislators who
crossed party lines and voted with every Democrat in the
legislature to smack Californian’s with well over $16 BILLION in
higher sales, income and car taxes, as well as a cutting the child
tax credit.
Shortly after that vote, an effort was started to try and gather
enough signatures to force one of these legislators to a recall
vote — that legislator is Adams. Although it requires just
under 36,000 signatures to force Adams into a recall election,
Whitacre told me that with turn-ins today at the Registrar of
Voters offices in Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, the
advocates for recalling Adams collected and have turned in a
staggering 61,593 signatures.
Political veterans know that a percentage of those signatures
will be invalid. But since the campaign was checking
signatures gathered against the voter registration rolls, Whitacre
assured me that there is a 100% likelihood that this recall will
qualify with many, many thousands of signatures over the… Read More