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Jon Fleischman

Hollingsworth the Magnanimous Senate Leader

For over a year State Senator Jeff Denham has been running for the GOP nomination for Lt. Governor. Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth had endorsed his colleague in his bid for higher office.

Today off the transom came a release from the campaign of State Senator Sam Aanastad, who recently announced that he, too, is seeking the GOP nomination for LG. The release announced the endorsement of Hollingsworth of his candidacy.

Needless to say, it seemed like an interesting story if Hollingsworth was dropping his support for Denham in favor of Aanestad. Were Hollingsworth not the leader, that wouldn’t be too shocking. Between Aanastad and Denham, the former is more ideologically conservative. But because he is the leader, it would have been a head-turned.

**There is more – click the link**

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Jon Fleischman

AD72: IE for Ackerman – And Ackerman Smacks Norby Again

Matt Cunningham has posted up over on Red County that a significant amount of money is now coming to AD 72 voters on behalf of Linda Ackerman through an independent expenditure out of Sacramento — tens of thousands of dollars so far in just a couple of days of late-IE reporting. The mail is all listed as being in support of Ackerman (it could otherwise be marked as "opposing" Norby). We’ve written before that many of the Sacramento based associations that have been close with former Senator Dick Ackerman were rumored to be working towards an independent expenditure. We’ll have to look more closely to see exactly who is funding this one…

The Ackerman campaign has dropped another piece of mail today (linked below) that clearly is throwing down the gauntlet. The message from Ackerman to voters essentially is this: elect Chris Norby and you’re getting more of what you had with the last guy. That’s quite a case to make. Heck, the campaign has even entitled this piece, "Fresh Start."

Will that stick with the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Western CPAC – A Review Of The Event

This last Friday evening and Saturday was the third annual Western Conservative Political Action Conference held in Newport Beach, California. The event, which drew as many as 350 people at its peak, represented a third straight year of growth for the event. While the event was relatively short in length, starting with a sunset reception on Friday and concluding with a dinner Saturday evening – Western CPAC was jammed pack with a great program that included a whole slew of great speakers.

For my part, as a Co-Chairman of the event, I wanted to see this event get high-level exposure through-out the conservative blogosphere, with a top-notch bloggers row. I reached out to my friend Elizabeth Crum, Vice President of the Nevada-based Citizen Outreach and Editor of the Nevada News Bureau, who… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

One Million Jobs Lost and Counting

Since July 2007, California has officially lost one million jobs and shows no signs of slowing down.

What will California’s elected leaders do about the abysmal economic climate that is pushing quite a few businesses out of our state?

Will Democrat leaders finally wise up and suspend Assembly Bill 32 – the Global Warming Sideshow – and work towards meaningful reforms of California’s business climate to enable companies to maintain jobs here, and God forbid actually expand and grow jobs in California?

Or, as I suspect, will they be unsatisfied untilCalifornia hits the two-million-jobs lost mark?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Western CPAC – A Review Of The Event

This last Friday evening and Saturday was the third annual Western Conservative Political Action Conference held in Newport Beach, California. The event, which drew as many as 350 people at its peak, represented a third straight year of growth for the event. While the event was relatively short in length, starting with a sunset reception on Friday and concluding with a dinner Saturday evening – Western CPAC was jammed pack with a great program that included a whole slew of great speakers.

For my part, as a Co-Chairman of the event, I wanted to see this event get high-level exposure through-out the conservative blogosphere, with a top-notch bloggers row. I reached out to my friend Elizabeth Crum, Vice President of the Nevada-based Citizen Outreach and Editor of the Nevada News Bureau, who… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rep. Nunez on fire over water…

U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes is fired up about so-called "leaders" of the Ag Community who are thwarting efforts to get the water pumps turned on.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

San Diego Councilwoman Marti Emerald In Trouble, Again

This week, scandal prone Democrat San Diego City Councilwoman came under fire yet again. This time it was for forming an “Advisory Council” and having that group meet with representatives from the Mayor’s office on two very controversial topics which Emerald supports — building a downtown library and a new City Hall (controversial because the city is about broke). Then the 20 member Advisory Council voted to support both projects, and Emerald was so ‘surprised’ by the vote by these unbiased members of the community she issued a press release crowing about it.

Then the problems started. When bloggers and the press started asking who the 20 were, Emerald wouldn’t answer. Instead, she mysteriously answered that she was talking to the City Attorney about the matter. Then, under pressure, four days later on Friday night her office released the names of a larger 34 person group. On inspection on Saturday, one of the bloggers on found some 70% of this group were Emerald contributors. Emerald still hasn’t answered exactly which of the 20 people were at the meeting… and no doubt the legitimate community… Read More

Bill Leonard

Furlough Arguments Could Lead to Layoffs

Senate pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) had a press event last week to argue the Governor’s furlough of state workers is not saving as much as advertised.A huge number of state workers live in his district.Steinberg and a group from UC Berkeley gave compelling arguments.If they and others are successful in convincing the public and the Governor that the furloughs are not producing enough savings, the Governor’s only viable alternative is to exercise his executive power to unilaterally layoff tens of thousands of state workers with a single stroke of his pen. More

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