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Meredith Turney

No More GPS, Radio, Cell Phones in Cars?

First, they banned our cell phones (with the exception of First Lady Shriver), now they want our GPS, satellite radio and garage door openers. The California Air Resources Boardhas approved a "Cool Cars" regulation that will require car windows to have an advanced glazing in order to block the sun’s heat, supposedly reducing the need for air conditioning. This was the same government agency that earlier this year floated the idea of banning black cars in California for the same reason.

Unfortunately, as withso many brilliant government ideas, the regulation was adopted before this window glazing technology was completely tested. Turns out the glazing can interfere with GPS, garage door openers, cell phones and satellite radios. The regulation will even be imposed on soft-top vehicles, leading to speculation Jeep may stop selling its soft-cover vehicles in the state. Sun roofs would be tinted so dark they would essentially be black (forget driving PCH with that California sunshine beaming down on you).… Read More

Shawn Steel

CAIR- Spies Everywhere ask Sen Steinberg

Massive news reports show that CAIR [Council of American Islamic Relations] the notorious terror apologist group, recently invited by Sen. Darrell Steinberg to celebrate theend of Ramadan in the Rotunda of the State Capitol, is in the hot seat again.

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Jon Fleischman

Bay Area Council Embarks on Fool’s Errand

I am not even going to waste a lot of time on this blog post. Lisa V. over at the Contra Costa Times Blog reports that earlier today it was announced that the Bay Area Council is going to dump $2 million into qualifying the measures to create a Constitutional Convention for California, if approved by the voters.

Let me make this crystal clear for the Bay Area Council and all others out there who think this might be a good idea.

Are you holding on to your chair? Here comes the truth…

California’s Public Employee Unions will try to coopt and control the convention process. If unsuccessful, they will use their vast resources to obliterate whatever that convention brings back to the voters for approval.

Instead of sinking millions into this fool’s errand, the Bay Area Council should join with those already looking at a paycheck protection measure. Until the pervasive financial influence of the public employee unions is terminated, the road to comprehensive reform of California government is impassable.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Join Me At Western CPAC This Friday and Saturday!

FlashReport Reader:

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Western Conservative Political Action Conference (Western CPAC), I am pleased to announce that we have just confirmed that Andrew Breitbart of,, and has confirmed that he will be giving opening comments on a star-studded political technology panel that I will be hosting this Saturday. "This Saturday," you ask??!! YES, WESTERN CPAC WILL BE TAKING PLACE THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY RIGHT IN THE HEART OF ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA. If you haven’t already, you should check out our website here which is chock-full of information on the event.Read More

Jon Fleischman

*Breaking News* Whitman Announces Support From Ag Community

Over the past week or so Meg Whitman has been announcing various interest-group coalitions from around California supporting her campaign for Governor. Just yesterday she announced statewide law enforcement leaders.

Later this morning she will roll out her Agriculture Coaltion Leadership Team. But we have a "sneak peak" here for FlashReport readers… Agriculture Coalition Co-Chairs Jesse Alderete, President, California Farm Labor Contractors’ Alliance Mark Borba, Owner, Borba FarmsRead More

Jon Fleischman

FR Patriot Award: Assembly Republican Leader Sam Blakeslee

There isn’t a normal Republican out there who wouldn’t be upset and concerned by many of the pieces of legislation that Governor Schwarzenegger signed on Sunday night. Just the number of bills that he signed that went to his desk without a single Republican vote in either the Senate or Assembly should be of grave concern.

Today we’re giving a FlashReport Patriot Award to Assembly Republican Leader Sam Blakeslee who, being a normal Republican, reacted pretty strongly and directly to the Governor’s bill signings in an e-mail that he, according to Capitol Weekly, sent to his 28 Assembly Republican Colleagues. I’ll reprint the first part of the e-mail below, and provide a link to the Capitol Weekly story where you can see the entire thing.

While I would imagine it was not Blakeslee’s intention for this email to be out in the public eye, I can assure that the Assemblyman has put into writing what a great many Republicans were and are thinking about Arnold… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Latest On The AD72 Twitter Feed

Don’t forget to follow our Twitter feed dedicated exclusively to the AD72 special election. Allan Bartlett tweeted CRA endorsing convention results last night, and I just tweeted the latest fundraising figures for the Norby for Assembly campaign — his biggest single-day money results yet, including a maximum contribution from a pernicious special interest!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

With a h/t to Joe Garofoli for the title of this post, guess who got caught AGAIN on her cell phone while driving? Check out this video from TMZ… Don’t miss Joe’s take on this. … Read More

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