Another voice for Federalism
Over the last couple of days, the Governor has been crying about Federal judges. Everything he is saying about them is true. They are out of control. They think they are the governors of this state. They think they have the power to tell the state how to run its operation. All of that is true. So what? Those things are not new. Federal judges have been out of control for at least 50 years, and they have had no regard for state government since at least 1936. So what?
In previous columns in this blog, in papers, and while I was in the Legislature, I have advocated that the state government, and particularly the Governor, tell the federal judges to take a very long leap off of a very high bridge. I have been ignored, because, as everyone knows, I’m am crazy, unrealistic, way too conservative, and I lack judgment.
I would have also saved the state a lot of headaches and a lot of money.
Today, another voice, obviously one who thinks himself very reasonable, not as crazy as Haynes, and certainly wise and judicious, has joined in my solo. We are now a chorus. Take a look at the… Read More