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Jon Fleischman

Slow Down The Paddles – Rushing Into A Water “Deal” Is Not A Good Idea

A "water deal" that results in a massive bond package of nearly $10 billion would not go before voters until at the earliest June of next year. Which means that the drive to achieve a two-thirds majority vote for a water package NOW is on an "artificial" deadline. Given that there are so many open issues out there, it is pretty clear that we need to put on the political brakes, step back, and decide if the way that this particular water deal is coming together represents good public policy for California.

As a conservative, I have grave concerns on the bond part of this deal. The package, as described to me, contains literally BILLIONS in spending that is not in there due to "need" (to solve the water crisis) but is in their either to appease special interests or to try and broaden coalition of votes necessary on the Democrat side of the aisle.

Never mind that the Democrats are taking advantage of the water crisis by pushing for all kinds of regulations on conservation issues that have no bearing on the storage and movement of water.

Look, I don’t expect that I will be pleased with the ultimate water package —… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Conservatives Unite Behind Hoffman In NY-23 – A CALL TO ACTION

How often do you get to get pitched by an elected officer of the Republican Party to help elect the nominee of another political party to Congress?

Well, that’s what you are getting right here.

All eyes in the country are looking at a special election that will take place this Tuesday in upstate New York in the sprawling 23rd Congressional District. The incumbent Republican Member of Congress there resigned his seat mid-term to take an appointment from President Obama (!), and this set the stage for a special election.

**There is more – click the link**

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Jon Fleischman

SF Chronicle Has Its Own “Message On The Margin” for Arnold

You can’t "see" this message online, but here is a graphic of today’s San Francisco Chronicle editorial on the whole flap of the Governor spelling out "f*** you* on the left margin of a veto message to Assemblyman Tom Ammiano.

The headline of the editorial, Message On The Margin should be taken literally…

For those who need help, the letters are… G R O W U P G I RRead More

Jason Cabel Roe

Unions Love Medicinal Marijuana

And why wouldn’t they? They must assume that 30 million Californians are walking around stoned or else they would notice how the state has been completely hijacked by labor bosses more interested in political power than the fiscal health of our state or the future of our children.

And how about the MSM? Completely checked out. Otherwise, how could they have missed this? Now I spent the last 8 years in Washington and have seen some pretty extraordinary abuses of power, but c’mon, the MSM completely ignores such an outrageous threat to elected officials? In the State Capitol! Can you imagine if the president of the Chamber of Commerce did this? The MSM would have been high alert (no pun intended).

The State of California is facing crippling budget challenges. We barely escaped the last budget process and the next one only promises to be worse. Yet, everyone seems to be oblivious to the necessary changes to rescue the next generations of Californians. The list starts with pension reform.

The idea that government employees are guaranteed 100% of their pension benefits, some of… Read More

Whitman Teletown Hall

I am on a Teletown Hall for Gov. candidate Meg Whitman right now.

Got the call at about 7:20pm and it seems like people from all over the state are on the call, althoughI can’t be sure of that.

Meg seems very atease talking about water policy, jobs, technology.

They did an online pollabout top issues which is usefulfor the call itself to guidewhatquestionsto ask, but they actually tag households with top issue for targeting.

Cool products theseTeletown Halls.

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Jon Fleischman

Conservatives Unite Behind Hoffman In NY-23 – A CALL TO ACTION

How often do you get to get pitched by an elected officer of the Republican Party to help elect the nominee of another political party to Congress?

Well, that’s what you are getting right here.

All eyes in the country are looking at a special election that will take place this Tuesday in upstate New York in the sprawling 23rd Congressional District. The incumbent Republican Member of Congress there resigned his seat mid-term to take an appointment from President Obama (!), and this set the stage for a special election.

Unlike in California, where we would have a special primary election where the party nominees would be determined, in New York this decision is made, literally, by local county political bosses. In this case about a dozen Republican County Party Chairmen gathered and anointed a candidate to be the Republican nominee.

The only problem is that the candidate they tapped, Didi Scozzafava, who is a registered Republican, happens to side with the Democrats on… Read More

Mike Spence

When Conservatives Don’t Let Friends Vote Republican

Republicans should be winning and in fact in a week, Republican candidates will most likely become Governor of Virginia and possibly even New Jersey. Obviously that is a great sign. Both candidates are generally conservative and are running as such.

A recent Gallup poll showed that 40% of Americans say their political views are conservative. Only 20% said their views are liberal and 36% said their views are moderate.

But things really aren’t that good. A recent Washington Post Poll showed only 19% of the people identified themselves as Republican.

Why is the Republican Party doing so poorly when people say they are conservative?

The answer is leadership. In particular Republican Leadership. In the late 1970’s through the early 1990’s the Republican party was perceived as the party for conservatives. Thanks to Ronald Reagan and others we saw areas realign and that culminated in the 1994 take over of Congress.

After that the Republican Party Leadership decided big government…good. Corruption. Sure. Why not? There are many other failings of our leadership. Basically, they de-linked the Republican Party from conservatism.

And… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Anthony Adams AWOL From Flashreport

As Flashreport publisher Jon Fleischman published his announcement of new contributors to the website today, I got to looking at the list of bloggers and saw Assemblyman Anthony Adams listed. His last post, which you can read here, was published almost a year ago, in January, right about the time I was receiving assurances from then GOP Assembly Leader Mike Villines that there would be no new taxes in the 2009 budget deal.

Reading his post now is an exercise in hilarity, as he waxes eloquently against higher taxes without budget reform. As we all know now, there is now budget reform, we’ve got the higher taxes, the State is still in a fiscal meltdown, and the tax increase didn’t produce the desired outcome – it just hurt the economy even more.

I wonder if Anthony has retired from service to the Flashreport. I think its a safe bet that he’ll be recalled from his seat in the upcoming elections. Republicans are in a foul mood toward their own right now. Tax collectors for the welfare State with an R… Read More

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