Only Greedy People Are Against Income Inequality
A constant topic these days seems to be that there is income inequality in our country. The questions are what is the motivation of the people regularly discussing this and why should you give a hoot about the subject?
Years back at a kid’s birthday party, one of our guests made a very negative comment about Bill Gates’ wealth. At the time he was the richest person in the world. I asked the person who brought up the subject “Has anyone been forced to buy Microsoft’s products? Hasn’t he had a competing platform (Apple)? Hasn’t his operating system bettered everyone’s life?” Of course there was no answer to those questions because the commentary against Gates was hollow.
Nearly all people who make vast sums improve the lives of others with their products and innovations. I find Jeff Bezos and the late Steve Jobs to be contemptible. Nevertheless, they both changed the world with the companies and concepts they created. Not one of us were forced to use the products, but we line up to do so.
It has been this way in our country for generations. Henry Ford was a disgusting anti-Semite. He also created a company that mass produced autos and employed… Read More