Avalanche of CA school bonds on your ballot in 2020. Biased press will help them pass.
Here they come again! Yup, most school districts in California are mulling the prospect of putting MORE local school bonds on the 2020 ballot.Lotsmore.
Are you thinking that you need not worry because your school district recently passed a school bond that’s already costing you hundreds of dollars a year? Doesn’t work that way. The new push will be to have two, three or more bond measures in place for a school district — each one dinging your property tax bill annually so that you pay your “fair share.” In short, if voters will pass such bonds, they WILL be on the ballot.
Moreover, “need” is not a factor. The only important consideration is whether or not the electorate will PASS the bond. With school bonds now requiring only a 55% majority (thanks, California voters), almost all such bonds will pass — regardless of “need.” The only bonds that will have some difficulty are in the rural areas where a significant number of sane people reside.
In this day and age, EVERY CA school bond is for pensions. EVERY one. Pension obligations… Read More