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James V. Lacy

Funny numbers?

Noting our publisher’s self-congratulations on predicting Tuesday morning the essentials of the Norby win in the 72nd AD special election that same day, I’ll do the same here, because my own poll, first published here a month ago, showed the victory in the making weeks before Jon’s prediction. My poll, taken Oct, 22-25, showed Norby’s positives at about 38% and Linda Ackerman’s as 19%. Though limited to Republicans, these figures are startlingly close to the actual vote results in the race. In addition, while my poll showed overall Republican voter support as 27% for Norby and 17% for Ackerman (underpredicting Norby’s election day strength a little but pretty much nailing Ackerman’s vote) the cross-tabs for the absentee vote almost exactly mirror the actual result of the election on November 17. Adam Probolsky attempted to sully my poll in this publication by calling the survey “funny numbers” in a post. He was wrong. The actual results strongly support the credibility of my poll results and I certainly don’t mind pointing that out to FR readers.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Meg Whitman Contributes Another $200,000 to Defend Delta Smelt

Meg Whitman’s credibility with voters in the Central Valley was destroyed today by yet another revelation about her effort to protect the Delta smelt over the needs of our farmers in the Central Valley. To make matters worse for Whitman’s candidacy, she is proudly standing by her past donations to defend the Delta smelt.

This morning, the San Jose Mercury News reported that after contributing $100,000 to the EDF in 2007, Meg Whitman contributed an additional $200,000 to the Environmental Defense Fund’s efforts to protect the Delta smelt as recently as a year ago in 2008.

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Jon Fleischman

Team Whitman: Meg, Not Poizner, Has Credibility

We received the following volley from longtime FR friend Bob Haueter. Bob is the Chairman of the Meg Whitman for Governor Campaign in Los Angeles County…

Bob Haueter: Support The True Fiscal Conservative By Bob Haueter Whitman for Governor Los Angeles County Regional Chairman

Californians know well that our state is in a fiscal meltdown, with new budget deficit projections running as high as $25 billion.

Each of us is feeling the pain of the failure of Sacramento politicians to rein in spending and make state government live within its means.

Between budget years 1998-99 and 2007-2008, state general fund spending grew an astonishing 80 percent, from $58 billion to $103 billion. And in the past few years, while Californians faced layoffs, home foreclosures and higher taxes, state government continued to hire.

This must stop.

We need real leadership in Sacramento. We need someone who will watch out for Californians. And we… Read More

Jon Fleischman

MUST WATCH: Rep. Jackie Speier on Stephen Colbert’s Show

This video of Stephen Colbert interviewing California Congresswoman Jackie Speier is awesome. It is totally a must-watch video. Thank to Torey over at the SacBee for hipping me to it.

The exchanges on gay marriage are… priceless. And Colbert’s razzing of Speier’s proposal to allow 14 year olds to vote… A must watch…

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Republican Aguiar Tapped For Almost Top Spot By Governor

Today the Governor announced that he is promoting Fred Aguiar to be Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor. At the same time, he has tapped Aguiar’s long-time protege and trusted right-hand Scott Reid to be Cabinet Secretary (the primary liaison between the Governor’s Executive Office and the various Agency heads).

Aguiar has served in the Schwarzenegger Administration in a variety of capacities from Agency Secretary to Cabinet Secretary, to Commission appointee. Aguiar has served on the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors (during what now seems like the good old days) and served in the State Assembly.

I have known Aguiar for many years and know him to be a calm, collected and pretty conservative guy. We applaud Governor Schwarzenegger for elevating Aguiar’s role in his administration.

That said, Fred, your job will certainly be a tough one. The seeming inability of the Governor to apply any consistency in his governing philosophy (except his now record-long… Read More

James V. Lacy

Norby leads early balloting in 72nd AD special

I’m at Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby’s election night party at Cherch’s Restaurant and Bar in downtown Fullerton (a neat, funky place, by the way!). The place is packed with Norby supporters and conservative friends including collleagues on the Western CPAC board, Bill Saracino and Allen Brandstater, and volunteer extraordinaire Pete Sheridan, who all came down from LA County to walk precincts for Norby today. Even some in other categories are here (I think I saw Supervisor Janet Nguyen, whom I think endorsed Norby opponent Linda Ackerman). It looks like campaign manager John Lewis did a good job chasing absentee ballots. Norby has 36% in first pass by OC Registrar; the Democrat is in second place with 28%, and Ackerman is third at 20%. Norby’s almost twenty point lead over Ackerman should hold.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD72: Norby Likely To Prevail In Particularly Negative Election

After talking with a number of savvy politicos whose opinions I hold in high regard, I think it is safe to say that the expected outcome of today’s Special Election in Orange County’s 72nd Assembly District will be that Supervisor Chris Norby will win the Republican nomination, but fall well short of the outright majority of the total vote necessary to avoid a run-off election next month.

The analysis is pretty straight-forward. Chris Norby, as first a long-time Fullerton City Councilmember (the largest city in AD 72) and then as a two-time elected Supervisor, simply had too much positive name identification in the district to be defeated. Most of those to whom I spoke felt that if this election were being held on a more traditional time-line, with a much longer period of time for voters to hear from candidates and advocacy groups, that Republican National Committeewoman and Metropolitan Water District Member Linda Ackerman would have had a very good shot at winning a plurality of support from Republican voters. The short time line meant that literally only a few weeks elapsed before absentee ballots were shipped out and high-propensity AB voters… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: AD72: Norby Likely To Prevail In Particularly Negative Special Election

After talking with a number of savvy politicos whose opinions I hold in high regard, I think it is safe to say that the expected outcome of today’s Special Election in Orange County’s 72nd Assembly District will be that Supervisor Chris Norby will win the Republican nomination, but fall well short of the outright majority of the total vote necessary to avoid a run-off election next month.

The analysis is pretty straight-forward. Chris Norby, as first a long-time Fullerton City Councilmember (the largest city in AD 72) and then as a two-time elected Supervisor, simply had too much positive name identification in the district to be defeated. Most of those to whom I spoke felt that if this election were being held on a more traditional time-line, with a much longer period of time for voters to hear from candidates and advocacy groups, that Republican National Committeewoman and Metropolitan Water District Member Linda Ackerman would have had a very good shot at winning a plurality of support from Republican voters. The short time line meant that literally only a few weeks elapsed before absentee ballots were shipped out and high-propensity AB voters… Read More

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