San Diego releases fake figures on the city’s financial outlook — the U-T swallows it whole
Once again the SAN DIEGO U-T newspaper reporters failed to look skeptically at false government projections. In this case, the city of San Diego grandly released their “Fiscal Year 2021-2025 Five Year Financial Outlook.” While the report admits that, as it stands, there are annual budget shortfalls, it foresees this shortfall declining each year until 2025, when the city bureaucrats project asurplus— with no tax increases. Absolute poppycock. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/communities/san-diego/story/2019-11-12/san-diego-budget-facing-steep-deficits-as-expenses-continue-to-rise
ADDENDUM: At the bottom of this article is a U-T editor’s welcome if lame response to this critique. And my response to his response. Fun read.
Granted, the city report is full of… Read More