Initial Thoughts On Apparent Failure of Adams Recall To Qualify
Like most of the California political community that has heard that the Secretary of State has said that the proponents of the Adams Recall did not have a high enough percentage of valid signatures in the random count to move forward with the election, or even to move forward with a manual count, I am shocked.
My initial thought was, "How could this happen?"
It seems like there are only three obvious possibilities, all of them extraordinarily lucky for Anthony Adams, who should by rights be facing a recall over his taking of the no new taxes pledge only to turn around and vote for the largest tax increase in the history of any state.
1) A really unlucky pull of random signatures. It’s not likely that all of the "bad apples" (invalid signatures) in the bunch would be all stuck together — but it is not impossible. Probably more likely that the Governor’s veto letter to Tom Ammiano was a coincidence.
2) Fraud by one of both Registrars of Voters. This isn’t likely. From what I’ve heard, the ROV in San Bernardino is as honest as the day is long. While I have little faith in the LA County ROV… Read More