Farewell Nao… a gentleman of honor…
When I learned of the passing of Nao Takasugi, my first reaction was “no way” – to me Nao was the forever man, a unchanged rock of calmness and integrity. He was nearly always cheerful: a rare man who would pat you on the shoulder, say “good to see you” – and truly mean it every time.
For those who knew Nao, they will remember his enthusiastic smile, warm handshake and genuine goodness. I was a brash young politico when he took me under his wing. He taught me that humility in politics was more important than bravado, he showed me that we could hold on to our beliefs, fight hard for them while still respecting and genuinely liking those who oppose us. He showed me that nice guys don’t finish last.
Nao was a humble man who treated everyone with dignity. He… Read More