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Mike Spence

Sen. Dave Cogdill to Run for County Assessor

The rule of three has been surpassed. More than three people have told methat Senator Dave Cogdill is planning to run for County Assessor in Stanislaus County. The current County Assessor is not seeking re-election.Imeediately speculation focuses on Cogdill. Well he is in.Cogdill’s campaign team or least part of his campaign team has been activated and are making arrangements.

Senator Cogdill recently decided not to run for re-election to the State Senate. He of course was Republican Leader of the Senate an most recently was one of the major architects of the water reform and bond.Cogdill was mentioned as a possible Lt. Governor pick before the Governor choose a fellow liberal Democrat :)

It is important to note that Cogdill was in the real estate appraisal business before his election to public office.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Why Is Debra Bowen Running Scared?

Debra Bowen is a 17 year politician, the incumbent, and member of the party that holds a 2.3 million registration advantage in the state, and in her previous campaigns has been a fair, if not prolific, fundraiser.

So who or what has the California Secretary of State Debra Bowen running scared?

I suppose it could be that the drop in popularity of Democrats with the hard-left agenda of spending and borrowing of this President. It could be the significant shift of independent voters away from Bowen’s party.

But there is another reason: Damon Dunn.

Born to a 16-year old single mother in Texas and raised by his grandparents, Dunn worked hard as a student-athelete, earned a 4.0 GPA in high school and was the number 2 football recruit in Texas. He attended Stanford University where he graduated with both academic and athletic awards and spent a few years in the NFL.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Term Limits, Oceanside Recall in Final Days, Six Figure Paid Vacations, and More

Service Employees Solely Bankroll San Diego County Supe Term Limits Effort… Jim Sills of SD Rostra breaks the news yesterday that the entire $250 grand raised so far to qualify a term limits initiative for County Supervisors has come from either the local chapter of SEIU or its State PAC. It is of course no surprise that labor is pushing the measure; perhaps the surprise is that SEIU hasn’t bothered to raise any funds from outside sources.

Uhhh, and perhaps that’s no surprise either.

In his SD Rostra piece, Sills creatively paraphrases Winston Churchill with, “Never have so few, donated So Much, for So Little.” He points out the apparent "philosophical disconnect," as only a year ago SEIU contributed $2,200,000 in support of Proposition 93 to overturn state term limits.

So, why the dichotomy? Does SEIU oppose or support term limits? Read Sills’ piece here.

Fleischman: Join SEIU in Supporting County Supe Term Limits?…Read More

Jon Fleischman

Conservatives “Welcome” Pelosi To Orange County

Last evening, House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared at a event for Democrats in Orange County… Lauryn Picciano, the Executive Director of the OC GOP and President of the Orange County was on hand and sent an account of the "greetings" given to Pelosi from conservatives…

The Story of the Speaker and the Protesters! "I Used To Be Called A Taxpayer, Now I Am Called A Right Wing Nut" By Lauryn Picciano

Once upon a time (Friday December 4th, 2009) Local Tea Party Organizations, RepublicanRead More

Congressman John Campbell


Quote of the week: “I didn’t see a lot of warmth in that crowd out there that the President chose to address tonight and I thought that was interesting. He went to maybe the enemy camp tonight to make his case.” – Chris Matthews on MSNBC after the President’s speech at West Point.

Wait a minute Mr. Matthews. The United States Military Academy is an "enemy camp" for the Commander-in-Chief?

Afghanistan: Before I comment on the President’s plan for the war in Afghanistan, let me reiterate that this is a very difficult situation with no easy answers. The President laid out his plan this week, and that plan will have some Republicans and some Democrats in support, and other Republicans and Democrats in opposition.

I will be one of the Republicans in opposition. Perhaps for not the reasons readers of this missive might expect. Some people will legitimately oppose this plan because the 30,000 additional troops is below the minimum range of troops outlined by General McChrystal several months ago to get the job done. He had called for 40,000 to 80,000. The strategic maxim of "overwhelming… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Assembly Republicans Deserve Respect

It would appear that as early as next week, there will be a vote on electing a new Assembly Speaker (though it is unclear precisely when the transition will take place).

There is a tradition in the Assembly (that seems to find its origin the election of Bob Hertzberg as Speaker, nearest as I can tell) where whichever candidate the Democrats put forward for Speaker is unanimously elected to the Assembly’s top spot in a voice vote. I suppose this is some sort of "congeniality of the house" maneuver since the outcome of a potential election between a Democrat and a Republican candidate for Speaker is preordained due to the large majority of liberals in the Assembly.

This practice is just wrong, and it shouldn’t be taking place.

**There is more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

Jon Fleischman

Assembly Republicans Deserve Respect

It would appear that as early as next week, there will be a vote on electing a new Assembly Speaker (though it is unclear precisely when the transition will take place).

There is a tradition in the Assembly (that seems to find its origin the election of Bob Hertzberg as Speaker, nearest as I can tell) where whichever candidate the Democrats put forward for Speaker is unanimously elected to the Assembly’s top spot in a voice vote. I suppose this is some sort of "congeniality of the house" maneuver since the outcome of a potential election between a Democrat and a Republican candidate for Speaker is preordained due to the large majority of liberals in the Assembly.

This practice is just wrong, and it shouldn’t be taking place.

The Assembly is an elected body with recorded votes. It is based on these votes that the people can judge their elected officials. It should be very clear to the "viewing audience at home" whom their Assemblymember voted for to be Speaker.

In the United States Congress, each conference — Republican and Democrat — has placed into nomination for the top spot their respective… Read More

Jon Fleischman

How Congress Elects Its Speaker – In A Manner Respectful To The Minority Party

Following up on my commentary of this morning, I would like to draw the following to the attention of FR readers (especially those Republican legislators who think that even as a minority party, we should be entitled to pride and respect)…

Here is a quote from a report of the Congressional Research Service, Party Leaders in the House: Election, Duties, and Responsibilities, that succinctly describes the process that the United States House of Representatives

Speaker of the House. The Speaker is elected by the House on the first day of a new Congress. Customarily, the caucus or conference of each major party first elects a candidate at early organizational meetings. When the new Congress convenes, each party places the name of its candidate in nomination, and theRead More

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